Legends of Tremiti Islands Diomedes and his companions

Legends of Tremiti Islands Diomedes and his companions

Lifestyle , News & World Dec 12, 2013 No Comments
The Tremiti Islands are a natural paradise known since ancient times that over the centuries has given rise to various legends.

In particular, the archipelago is linked to Diomedes, the Achaean hero who, it is said, gave birth to the islands. According to legend, Diomedes jumped into the sea where three giant boulders, brought with him from Troy mysteriously emerged from the water, giving rise to three islands: San Domino, San Nicola and Elba. Before landing on Gargano, in search of more fertile land, the Greek hero met with Daunia, daughter of Dauno, king of Dauni, who he then married. In a variation of this myth the three rocks gave rise to the islands, where the Homeric hero drew the boundaries of his new kingdom, Daunia, after the wedding with Euippe.

The legend does not stop there, it also tells of the death of Diomedes in the archipelago of Puglia. Many legends agree on the death of the hero in the islands. According to some, Diomede died following a ship wreck, the most common version, is the hero withdrew to the San Nicola Island with his companions to wait for death. This account would be credited by the presence of a tomb on the island in the Hellenic period which was still called the tomb of Diomedes.

An alternative fascinating legend is linked to the diomedee birds that inhabit the cliffs of the archipelago and that the locals call arenne. Legend has it that the beautiful Aphrodite, for pity or vengeance, depending on which legend, became the companions of Diomedes by way of these splendid creatures. According to Virgil’s version, which is vengeance, the transformation of the companions would not, however, be linked to the death of the hero.

The more popular version is that of the goddess that wants to transform from compassion to the pain of the companions of Diomedes. The diomedee birds then with their screams continue to mourn their friend and leader.

Edited by CL

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