The revival of italian economy.Positive signs in several sectors

At the threshold of 2016 the Italian economy seems to breathe with a sigh of relief. In fact, in recent days, two important Italian entrepreneurs positively expressed about this: Massimo Moretti, the President of National Council of Italian shopping centers and Antonio Patuelli, the president of ABI.
In the interview with Sole 24 ore Moretti has mentioned the growth-proving data regarding consumption and sales in the Italian shopping centers; he also spoke about the return of foreign investments to Italy, in contrast with the previous years when the country had faced a period of “isolation” compared to other European countries.
In line with these forecasts, is also the President of the Italian bank who said that “this is a magic moment for Italian economy”, in fact, the measures provided by the law of stability such as the abolition of taxes on first homes, allow to renew the economy and consequently improve the stability of the country.
Finally, Patuelli expressed his confidence in the real estate market resumption, thanks to the property prices’ reduction and lowering of taxes on real estate, confirming that if the real estate is starting up, the building sector can finally overcome the crisis of recent years.

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