“Flat tax” 2017: the demand for luxury properties increased to 17% since March

“Flat tax” 2017: the demand for luxury properties increased to 17% since March

Press Office Jun 26, 2017 No Comments
In a previous article, we talked about the flat tax: an optional lump tax introduced by the last budget law on the income of rich foreigners who want to buy prestigious properties in Italy and move their residence here after being resident in a foreign country for at least 9 of the 10 previous years.

Since the beginning, the specific aim of the Flat tax 2017 has been to attract and encourage the transfer of the residence in Italy of the high net worth individuals. Three months after this law took effect, we are already witnessing very interesting results. Indeed, there has been a fast increase in the requests for luxury and prestigious properties in Italy.

Among these requests, there are many from Italian individuals who live in foreign countries and also from northern Europe citizens who are showing their interest in moving to Italy.

Moreover, we have big hopes for an increasing interest from wealthy English people, since the Brexit took effect and so they could decide to invest in Italy.

We want you to remember that Great Estate is an important agency that provides innovative and technological services for the real estate intermediation. Since 2001, we have been dealing with the management of prestigious properties in Italy, most likely second homes, appealing to national and international buyers.

Our agency has successfully worked during the years, being able to consolidate its role as a point of reference for the real estate market in Italy.

Great Estate can rely on experienced professionals, who are able to take care of all the steps of the sale. From the first contact with the client to the signing of the deed of sale with a notary, Great Estate is still assisting the client with the post-sale services.

During the years, know-how, fairness, professionalism, and helpfulness have brought to Great Estate important national and international customers, who wanted to sell their property or buy their dream home in Italy.

Among our satisfied customers: Duncan Niederauer (Former President of the Wall Street American Stock Exchange), Leonardo Ferragamo, Paolo Bulgari (Chairman of Bulgari S.p.a.), Antonio Armellini (Italian Ambassador in India), Rijkman Groening (Former President of the A.BN. AMRO Bank), Tricia Guild (famous English interior designer).

This being said, Great Estate wants to propose some of our prestigious properties in many splendid Italian locations!
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Marzia Rognini

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