Waving the russian flag on the Trasimeno lake Selling property to russian clients

Natalia could you tell us how long you have been working with the Great Estate Group and what have you found with this group?

I have been working with Great Estate for more than a year and immediately I have had an amazing time. Great Estate is a real family! I immediately found the entire group, professional, honest and determined.

Natalia could you tell us how long you have managed these Russian clients and how did they get to know the Great Estate Group, by what advertising network did they come?

These delightful clients I met in July of this year. They contacted me through my direct email that they found on the Great Estate website.
QuotT:(|The Great Estate Group does a lot of work with Russian clients why do you think this is? Visibility and performance? )
The visibility is derived from the GREAT WORK that is done on a daily basis by the whole Great Estate team, as well as the enquiries from the website, web portals, partner agencies newspapers and other forms of advertising, there are also direct enquiries that are based on the knowledge and the good reputation made with clients who have sold or who have already bought with the Great Estate.

You sold the farmhouse to Russian clients. Most of us think that the Russians buy villas by the sea, why do you think they chose to buy this farmhouse on Lake Trasimeno?

The Russians, after the sea, really like the hilly landscape of Tuscany and Umbria. Before viewing this farmhouse, they had seen other properties in different areas, but they fell in love with Lake Trasimeno right away. A beautiful location with various surrounding small towns, culture, traditions and all the necessary amenities to hand.

What was your collaboration like with Dr. Riccardo Luculli who managed the sellers?

To sell a property there must be good collaboration, dedication and professionalism of those managing both the buyer and seller. Riccardo was impeccable. He gave all the necessary information and documentation at very short notice – key factors in concluding a deal.

What is the Great Estate Group’s collaboration like in general?

Working with a group of professionals such as Great Estate is fundamental. So work becomes much easier!

What does this mean for those who cannot sell a property in the Lake Trasimeno area?

Lake Trasimeno is fascinating not only for Italian clients but also many foreign ones too. There are properties for sale but only a few are in line with the market and some of these properties do not even have the necessary documentation to make the sale. Only with the right mix of market price, marketability and property documentation will you get results!

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