flies to Russia flies to Russia

Great Estate Network Mar 17, 2014 No Comments

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In 2014 The Group Plans Many New Development

In 2014, Great Estate & Chesterton have many new developments planned. As well as the Agency Network project, which aims to create a network of fifty major real estate agencies in Italy by the end of the year, the Group also aims to consolidate its presence in Russia and developing one in China. First, we are consolidating our relationships with Russian agencies who are already partners with the Group as well as developing new partnership projects with other agencies. By the end of March 2014, to assist and facilitate Russian clients in online property searches,, our entire website will be translated into Russian and we will begin the translation of our magazine into Russian. Second, our presence in China is being better organized thanks to Simone Vicari and Wei Li, who are continuing to develop and facilitate their work by reaching out to prospective clients. The website will be fully translated into Chinese in the coming months. This is a great team effort by the Great Estate &
Chesterton real estate group, who, over the years, are now seen as one of the most solid and reliable real estate agencies in central Italy and, more importantly, as a point of reference for all those wishing to invest in luxury real estate in Italy.


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