Here some of the new regulations included into the new House Decree:
“FURNISHINGS” BONUS: the € 10.000,00 bonus for the purchasing of the furnishings is now free from the amount payed for the property renovation works.
RENTS AND LATENESS: allocations for the National Capital for the Sustainment of the Properties for rent access and to the one designated to the non-guilty defaulting tenants have been increased.
BENEFITS FOR TENANTS DENUNCING THE ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES: the benefits for citizens who denounced to illegally pay the rent have been prolonged to December, 31sr 2015.
ANTI-UNAUTHORIZED REGULATION: once the PD amendment forbidding the use of water, gas, light to those who are unauthorizedly using a home has been approved, providers will verify the suppliers data before giving the services. Moreover, the ones who unauthorizedly use a home will be eliminated from the council flat list for 5 years.
THE 4X1000 IMU FOR FACILITATED CONTRACTS: in 2014, regarding the agreed fee rented properties or for those who live in municipalities with residential emergency, the IMU tax has been reduced to the 4%.
10% COUPON FOR THE AGREED FEES: people who live in municipalities where the stat of emergency has been declared during the last 5 years and who has a rent contract can benefit of the 10% discounted coupon for the agreed fees.
PUBLIC PATRIMONY CENSUS: thanks to a M5S amendment, it will be mandatory to census all the public buildings and an on-line national data-bank of the public real estate patrimony will be created too.
NO REGISTER DUTY IF DECIDING TO REDUCE THE FEE: if the tenant and the owner agree a fee reduction, the Agenzia Delle Entrate register duty will have not to be paid.
25 MILLIONS FOR EXPO: 25 millions have been made available for the municipality of Milan, where Expo2015 will take place. A Spending Review derogation aimed to allow a better of the workers for the event has been done too.
SELLING IAPC APARTMENTS TO TENANTS ONLY: the Iapc apartments sale will be allowed to the tenants only, but resources will have to be designated to increase the living patrimony.
SINCE 2015, FUEL EXCISE DUTY INCREASING: the excise duties on fuels will increase from 2015 in order to “cover” the Iacp measure, so that they will be able to benefit of the recovery, rationalization, improvement and regularization bonus for the properties owned.