Meet the professionals of Great Estate: Stefano Calafà

Magazine Great Estate

Today we get to know Stefano Calafà, head of the partner agency of the Great Estate Via Dei Colli group and international property consultant.


About 20 years ago, driven by my love for nature, my search for beauty and my passion for our wonderful regions, I founded the Via Dei Colli agency, and started selling houses in the countryside. Before encountering, almost by chance, the magical hills of Umbria and Tuscany, I worked as an investment fund manager and as a financial analyst in investment banks in Milan and London.

I was used to living in big cities and spending my days in front of screens full of news, graphs and numbers. At first, the move to a more rural area was a bit destabilizing.
However, I believe that over the years it has given me a greater practical spirit and a deeper connection with creation.

I consider myself a good person and an excellent listener. I tend to be rather perfectionist, to go in depth into various topics, be it legal, technical, estimating or fiscal aspects, and to have a more consultative than commercial approach.
I particularly love helping international buyers find the property that best suits their taste and needs: I often work as a property finder and look for the right property for clients on specific mandate.
Over the years, I have maintained relationships of friendship and mutual respect with many of my clients: this is a huge, priceless gratification for me!

In my free time, which is actually quite little, I seek contact with nature: cycling, trekking, outdoor sports. I like cinema, reading, traveling to remote areas, and I love writing.  Spirituality has an important place in my life.


Mainly following international buyer clients, over the years I have come into contact with almost all the main real estate agencies operating in Umbria, Tuscany and Marche, looking for properties suited to the specific requests of the potential buyers I followed. From Great Estate, I was immediately able to appreciate the high standard of the group in terms of ethics, professional skills, knowledge of the area, quality of the properties offered, working method and IT support systems.

Meeting with Stefano Petri in 2012 was the opportunity to plan the entry of Via dei Colli into the Great Estate group as a partner, which formally took place in 2013. Since then, our partnership has become increasingly stronger.


Great Estate is a group constantly seeking improvement.
Despite the excellent results achieved over the years, the objective of the company and of the individuals, continues to be growth, from every point of view. Professionals are encouraged in active training and further education to increasingly strengthen their skills, while the parent company develops new systems, tools and procedures, opens up to new markets, invests in new professional figures and new partnerships. Great Estate is a young and dynamic group, which makes professionalism, fairness and innovation its strengths.


The dedicated real estate search, Property Finder, for international buyer clients continues to be the activity in which I personally wish to invest most of my time and resources: I want to continue to be an all-round professional, a reference for the client for everything that revolves around the purchase of a property, through the network of professionals and partners developed by our group over the years.

Furthermore, in 2024 we plan to transfer our headquarters to the new office that the Great Estate group will open in the historic center of Perugia; the office will serve as a multi-service hub, with the presence of various external professionals.

Finally, a further goal for the future is to integrate outdoor experiences linked to the territory into the real estate search and organize guided excursions of a historical-archaeological, naturalistic, sporting or spiritual nature, to understand the essence of our territory even better.

I have been a hiking and environmental guide for some time.


Respect and fairness are essential values for me. I tend to do more than is required, rather than limit myself to what is strictly necessary. Difficulties don’t discourage me, on the contrary. I think that:

Difficulties are ropes thrown from the sky


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