An analysis carried out by the Great Estate network, covering the period between the last months of 2020 and the first months of 2021, shows a clear increase in requests for prestigious properties in the Orvieto area.
A dream to be realised, a life choice, the desire to enjoy slow rhythms in authentic places rich in art, history, food and wine, and nature.
Our network has analysed the data relating to the last part of 2020 and the first months of 2021, finding a marked increase (+40%) in the number of requests to purchase country houses or houses in the historic centre in the Orvieto area.
Going into detail, we see that:
- 60% of these come from international clients (primarily Americans, but also Canadians, British, and Northern Europeans), who want to move to Umbria in the coming months, even in retirement. They are more interested in traditional country houses, with authentic features and immediately habitable. However, we have noticed an increase in requests for the historic centre of Orvieto, due to its cultural liveliness and the services offered, which are considered easily accessible.

- On the other hand, the remaining 40% of requests come from Italian customers who, from the big cities, want to move permanently to their second home, or spend their retirement right in Orvieto, fascinated by the rhythm of life, the remarkable quality of the city and its many wonders. In this case, the majority of requests look at the historic centre of the fascinating Umbrian city, chosen as the ideal destination for a “second life”.
Some time ago, we told you about the experience of Mr. and Mrs. Dunleavy who, thanks to the collaboration with Great Estate and in particular with our consultant Roberto Biggera, bought the splendid “Podere Acquaviva“. A few months ago, the couple moved permanently to the Orvieto area to spend their retirement immersed in nature and tranquillity that characterise the luxuriant park of their farmhouse.

For them, as for many other international clients of the Great Estate network, the countryside around Orvieto has become their NEW HOME!
But … what is it that buyers, both international and Italian, both international and Italian, looking for their new home in the Orvieto area?
Undoubtedly, the medieval city with its artistic heritage, the undoubted quality of the food and wine on offer, the many services and the excellent connections with Rome and Florence.
So … wonderful news: Orvieto and its territory have now become a strong pole of attraction, as has our entire beautiful Umbria!
This trend is also confirmed by the 2020 data of the Umbria Real Estate Exchange of the Chamber of Commerce of Perugia, which shows the need to invest in the countryside and in the small villages of the “green heart of Italy”, to enjoy a better quality of life.
While the health emergency has reinforced this need, it has also changed the way in which national and international customers search for their “ideal” property.
You know that innovation and avant-garde have become two of the features that distinguish our group in the world of Italian real estate.
The Great Estate network has focused on digital transformation, in order to offer its clients precise and professional tools, able to compensate for the experience of physical inspections through innovative and powerful services such as the Virtual Tours project: professional drone videos, indoor and outdoor videos of properties, video calls to visit properties, virtual tours and video tours.
We remind you that, from spring 2020 to date, our network has made 23 virtual sales.
Thanks to all this, every day our international and national clientele can carry out specific research, get to know our prestigious properties and the surrounding area in detail, select the most interesting, and … prepare themselves in the best possible way for the purchase of their dream property!
Dreaming of living or investing in Italy?
Great Estate handpicks the best prestigious properties in Tuscany, Umbria, and the most beautiful Italian destinations. We help you find the property of your dreams and make a conscious and worry-free purchase, valuing your time and projects.