Buy the property of your dreams thanks to GE’s innovative project: Virtual Tours

Buy the property of your dreams thanks to GE’s innovative project: Virtual Tours

Great Estate Network , Stefano's Column Dec 29, 2020 3 Comments
Do you want to buy the property of your dreams?
Then read this article very carefully: we will provide you with important tips on activities that, in response to the current difficulties caused by the Covid-19 emergency, you can use to achieve the best objective with the least possible effort, using a fun and exciting process: the “Virtual Visits” project.

Dear Buyer
We are undoubtedly going through a complex time: the past lockdown and current restrictions are forcing us to open our minds to important innovations, the aim of which is to limit as much as possible the obvious decrease in “physical” visits to properties of your liking, and thus the consequent decrease in the probability of finding your ideal property in the shortest possible time.

As Great Estate Group, this particular moment in history has suggested us a number of alternative solutions, in the form of various innovative activities, that can help you to face the difficulties we have just discussed.
We firmly believe that these activities can become powerful pluses in the near future, not least because of the great results we’ve already achieved, which we’ll tell you about in this article.

The innovative solutions we have designed and tested for you will offer you an extraordinary opportunity to visit any property you want, even if you cannot or do not want to carry out a visit personally and physically.

This is possible thanks to our “VIRTUAL VISITS” project.

This will allow you to view any property you are interested in through the expert eye of one of our professionals, who will take you on one or more Virtual Tours.

Yes,… we know very well what you are thinking now..

… but what are they saying? But how can I buy a property without seeing it in person …?

Do you remember what I told you earlier? There is a need to open your mind to a series of changes that are already taking place.
Therefore, we recommend you investing your time in reading and listening carefully to the stories we will tell you in a moment.

The history and achievements in the first lockdown are very important and should be remembered … so that you can base your future on the positive experiences of the past.

Yes! Many buyers like you have purchased the property of their dreams without physically seeing it!

Reading these real-life experiences will convince you that buying a property through our VIRTUAL VISITS is not only possible but is an experience that has actually been experienced by many other people.

Furthermore, we would like you to understand that this INNOVATIVE SERVICE of the GREAT ESTATE GROUP can also help you “just” for the first, important part of your search: in fact, you will be able to make an initial selection of your best properties and, subsequently, if you wish, you will also be able to visit them physically.

In this way, you will save time and money, and you will have an innovative and interesting experience, without running the risks of physical visits at a time when social distancing is a must for everyone.

If you just want to, and if you talk to your Great Estate advisor today, you’ll discover all the amazing opportunities this project has to offer.
If you are not yet a client of our group, call us now to receive this and many other consultations.

These are the “virtual” sales we have recently made:

The sale of “Tenuta Santa Cristina“, (Umbria), about 800,000 euro:

Invest 10 minutes of your precious time to watch and listen carefully to the interview of the buyers, in which they tell about their experience.

The sale of “Il Paradiso Su Todi” (Umbria), 1,250,000 euros:

This sale was also realised as a result of interest shown by buying customers, which followed:

  1. at an asking price of the property in line with its real value (Great Estate Group is very attentive to this factor, which it is able to share with its seller clients through the use of our innovative TOOL THE BEST PRICE);
  2. the possibility of seeing the property by means of a Virtual Tour, thanks to the previous creation of both a Drone Video and an Internal Virtual Tour of the property;
  3. the efforts made by one of our professionals in organizing a Virtual Visit (in particular the One to One Virtual Visit) which allowed our Italian-Argentinean buyers to “virtually experience” what would soon become their new property;
  4. to the great synergy and teamwork of the professionals who handled the buyer and seller.

In order to have another, different point of view, the clients had asked a friend of theirs to view the property … however… they had already made their decision, for the reasons I have just explained to you.

And … would you like to discover something else? We signed the deed of sale on 28th October 2020 and the new owners will only be able to see their new home in March 2021, because there is still a lockdown in Argentina.

The sale of “Amore Divino” (Tuscany), about 300,000 euros:

Also in this sale, buyers were able to “immerse” themselves in no less than three virtual tours of the house, namely:

The first, through a professional promotional video of the property and our Virtual Tour with instrumentation that allows 360° visits: the latter allows the buyer to dwell on all the details that interest him most, as well as to “walk-around” the house as if he were actually there, directly on site.

Secondly, through the viewing of the Internal and External Video of the property, where the professional who made it focused first of all on certain important internal details of the property, shared with the purchaser of the same, in order to highlight the winning aspects of the property, as well as certain details inherent to the external location of the same.

The third and decisive step was the One to One Virtual Visit carried out by our professional via a WhatsApp video call. A service that allowed the buyers to “live virtually” the property they were buying.

That third visit was the starting point for the entire negotiation process, which ended on 4th November with the signing of the final deed of sale.

A “small” detail:

the buyers were able to physically see their new property for the first time only a few days before the signing of the deed (after signing the preliminary contract of sale), being so able to relive all the emotions and sensations they had perceived through the three virtual visits.

Invest 10 minutes of your precious time by carefully following our interview with the buyers and the story of their experience:

The sale of “La Terrazza“, (Tuscany), approx. 400,000 euros:

All it took to close this sale was a Virtual One-to-One Visit via FaceTime video call between the professionals of the sellers, the one of the buyers and the clients.

Thus, a Virtual One to One Visit was enough to convince the buyers to start the negotiation for the purchase of their new property in Italy.

Below, read the interview with the protagonists of this fourth and exciting story that confirms, if there was still a need, how great investments can be made thanks to technology, and an innovative mindset that is open to change or, even better, a mindset that is an advocate and participant in change.

Now you know what to do and you can decide to face this period in two different ways

1 a thought that results in a static attitude is:

“… unfortunately there is a difficult time and I can not realize my dream of buying a beautiful property, because I can not make inspections … “… “… it is true that others have bought with virtual visits, but they are people used to this type of purchase …” “… unfortunately I am not yet ready for this type of investment …’.

2 a pro-active way of thinking that turns into a dynamic way of doing things is:

“Objectively speaking, it is a complex time of great change and it will not be easy to find the property of my dreams. However, I know that I can trust organized structures which, through innovative techniques, are able to show me all the properties I want to visit, and this is really interesting, simple and fun … and I also save a lot of time and money …”.

The truth is that everything written so far is already history, but it remains an incontrovertible and fundamental objective fact, and not a series of justifications or points of view.

The purchases we have reminded you of have actually been made, and many more will be signed, using exactly the same method.

So, what should be done from now on?

1. If you still have doubts about what we can do together to purchase the property of your dreams, then go back to the beginning of this article and re-read it 1, 10, 100 times until you are convinced of all that we can achieve together.
We can provide you with analysis, tools and guidance, but a lot depends on you and your willingness to share with us all the best tools to help you find the right property for you.

2. If you understand and agree with our approach, contact Great Estate or, if you are already a client, contact your trusted professional and, for best results, share a Property Finder with our group. You’ll get a free set of Virtual Tours: an exclusive gift for you!

Below we list all the types of videos that you can watch on our website, and/or together with a professional from the group who will help you get to know your favorite properties in detail.

You can then enjoy one or more virtual visits and find all the information you need to make the right choice.

Virtual Tour:


Video with Drone:


Internal Video


Internal and External Video


Professional video with actor


Virtual Open House Project


Well, now you know how many more possibilities you have thanks to the Great Estate Group’s innovative VIRTUAL VISITS project.
In particular you can:

1) Make your professional understand what you are looking for.
Sharing your screen and having them tell you about each Virtual Visit, explaining well to your professional what you are looking for, will allow them to work for you in order to identify the best property, the one that is right for your needs.

2) Optimise your time.
If until now you had to organise 10 visits, to 10 different properties, with 10 different agencies, from now on you can invest your time with our video-rich platform: you will do 10 virtual visits and only 2-3 physical ones.
What does this mean?
It means that you will get to know your favourite properties perfectly and, if you wish, together with your trusted Great Estate professional you will do “only” 2-3 physical visits, discarding those properties that you have not considered in line with your needs, thus saving your time and also that of your reference professional. In addition, at a time like the present, when social distancing is everyone’s duty, you will not run the risks associated with carrying out on-site inspections.
Finally, once you have identified and “chosen” your 2-3 properties, your trusted professional will be able to give you all the information you need in terms of the best price to offer, urban and land registry situations, taxation, and anything else you need to know.
Until now, inspections have been an important investment for everyone. From now on, together and with this innovative solution, we will be more effective and efficient.


“Every moment of crisis has enormous hidden possibilities …’

“It is not the strongest or the most intelligent species that survive, but that which is best adapted to change.”
Charles Darwin

Come on, dear customer buyer!
Now you know you can do a lot thanks to the innovative solutions of the GREAT ESTATE Group!

Grant us your trust: we promise to provide you with our best advice and to guide you to the best possible investment, with happiness, simplicity, and, above all, the certainty of the investment itself.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network


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