The Dream of La Dolce Vita: What International Buyers Are Seeking in Umbria and Tuscany

Magazine Great Estate

Gently rolling hills lined with cypress trees, shimmering olive groves, a slow-paced, high quality lifestyle, exceptional food and wine, and historical and artistic wonders: there is much to discover and experience in the beautiful regions of Umbria and southern Tuscany. These areas, rich in history and authenticity, captivate visitors from the very first glance.

The Great Estate real estate network, which specialises in the international sale of prestigious properties in Umbria and Tuscany, confirms this allure through an analysis of the statistics from this part of 2024. The dream of living in a countryside farmhouse, as well as the charm of residing in an ancient village, are driving the searches of both national and international buyers.

Interiors of Cetona Country Chic (also in the cover) – See the property

According to data released by the network’s IT department, the first half of 2024 saw an average increase of 64% in the number of transactions compared to the first half of 2023, with the value of these transactions currently up by 82%.

The average monthly value of properties sold has increased by 43% compared to the same period last year (from €4,809,458.00 to €6,908,500.00).

The origin of the enquiries shows a clear preference among Americans, followed by Northern Europeans and Britons. Fifty percent of buyers are between the ages of 40 and 59.

The largest percentage of properties sold consists of country farmhouses, which account for over 70% of requests. Buyers are seeking authenticity, breathtaking views, and modern comforts, often with a view to renting these properties out within the luxury rental market.

Over 34% of sales involve properties in the price range of €500,000 to €1 million, with an increasing interest in prestigious properties priced over € 2 million (a 5.5% increase compared to the same period in 2023).

Panoramic View of Lake Trasimeno from Podere Valsasso – See the property

Tuscany and Umbria thus continue to rank among the most sought-after real estate destinations for international buyers. Attracted by the cultural heritage, stunning landscapes, and quality of life, they are in search of their dream home.

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