A family and the realization of a dream. The video interview with the new owners of Le Ginestre Su Todi: François, Necla and Alex Maresquier.
In 2023 the Great Estate group celebrated the sale of Le Ginestre Su Todi, an elegant property that offers breathtaking views of the nearby city of Todi.

The Maresquier family purchased this wonderful property: François, Necla and young Alex.
François and Necla really wanted a property that was located in a dream location, where they could meet up with their family between one business trip and another.
When they saw Le Ginestre su Todi for the first time they thought:
“We found it! Wow … it’s really gorgeous!”

The Maresquier family was able to realize their dream thanks to the professionalism of their trusted consultant, Alberto Zarro, and the efficient organization of the Great Estate group, particularly appreciating the website and the pre and post-sale services offered by our network.
We met François, Necla and Alex at their magnificent new Umbrian property, where they shared their experience with Great Estate.
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