The sale of casale “San Marco”: video interview to Roberto Biggera

The sale of casale “San Marco”: video interview to Roberto Biggera

Great Estate Network Dec 21, 2021 2 Comments
Property finder, virtual visists and the strenght of the G.E. team: these are the real assets of the sale of ‘San Marco’
The video interview to the consultant of the buyer party Roberto Biggera

As you may recall, last Autumn GE network celebrated the sale of “Casale San Marco”, a wonderful property located in the Marche countryside.
The leding consultants of this important success were Stefano Marini and Bianca Zampaloni from our partner agency Vinci Properties who dealt with the selling party (you can read here their interview), and Roberto Biggera, who instead assisted the purchasing customers.

Today, for you, the video interview to our international consultant Roberto, with the story of the most salient aspects of this success signed by our network.


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Chiara Peppicelli


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