Alice Ceccomoro: perseverance and tenacity were the keywords for the sale of “Il Relax”!

In December 2019, Great Estate sold the beautiful farmhouse “Il Relax”, located in the countryside near the Umbrian hamlet of Monteleone D’Orvieto. It has been purchased by an international client managed by the GE consultant Alice Ceccomoro. We interviewed her.
  • Good morning Alice, congratulations for this success! Would you like to tell us something about the buyer of “Il Relax”?

The new owner of “Il Relax” is Mrs. Abby Ewen. Through our website, she contacted us in January 2019. She is English and she works as an IT Director.

She was looking for a small renovated farmhouse between Umbria and Tuscany, with – or even without – swimming pool.

We visited about 4 properties together. Among these, “Il Relax” stood out. This house caught her attention because of some remarkable features: its panorama, with its stunning sunsets; the large garden with the swimming pool; its living area – very large and bright; the proximity to Monteleone and to other properties, an element that makes the house not too isolated (click here to discover the property).

For the moment she will use “Il Relax” as her holiday home, together with her son. Eventually, in the future, it may also become her main residence.

  • What can you tell us about the negotiation? How was it?

I have to admit that this negotiation was really difficult and challenging. At the beginning, everything went well: Nicolò Cordone and Valter Luciani – two colleagues of mine – dealt with the vendors, who accepted the purchase offer presented by my client (read here our article).

Unfortunately, the property presented some discrepancies to be solved. The vendors’ surveyor ensured us that everything would have been fixed within June or, in any case, before the final deed of sale that, as agreed in the purchase offer, should have been done within September 30th.

However, this procedure took a lot of time because of some administrative issues. For this reason, in accordance with the parties, we decided to sign an a latere agreement to defer the deadline of the purchase offer. This, of course, delayed the whole purchase process. We were able to officially solve the situation in September only.

Meanwhile, in September, the purchase offer validity expired. For this reason, we had to create a second addendum and postpone the payment of the tax burden for the building regularization procedure. Moreover, I had to consider the buyer’s needs, it was important for her to close the deal within the end of 2019. Therefore, we decided to relieve the vendors of some fulfilments which were initially agreed in the offer: in particular, the issuing of the property’s systems certificates and of the habitability certificate, the buyer would have dealt with it right after the purchase, otherwise, we would have risked other few months of delay.

And so it ended… facing all these difficulties with patience and many efforts, we were finally able to sign the final deed of sale of this property!

I firmly believe that this experience may be a concrete example to reaffirm – once again – how important and decisive is the presence and the regularity of all the documents of a property when deciding to sell it. At the end, everything went well and the buyer is happy and satisfied but… as already said… Perseverance and tenacity were the keywords for this negotiation!

Alice Ceccomoro

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