Agency Network Project

Agency Network Project

Great Estate Network Apr 04, 2014 No Comments

Edited by Alessandra Conforti

This new service of Great Estate & Chesterton real estate group is to bring the shared values of the Group to outside partners, giving the opportunity to partner with other agencies for better networking. Today we talk to Giacomo Buonavita who carries out the delicate and crucial role of audits of real estate appraisals and valuations.

Behind every successful sale, as we know, there’s a great team effort that aims to take care of every possible detail: one of the core tasks is to carry out our work and achieve sales targets which will give a detailed analysis of the market values of each property managed by the group

What are the key areas of your work?

Having the honour to carry out this delicate task, because I’m responsible for the audits of property appraisals and valuations, I have the utmost conviction that one of the secrets to achieving these sales targets is ensuring the property has been accurately valued to its fair market value, especially in the context of the historic economic period that we have seen. We may see sudden changes even within a few months

So what will be the role of Great Estate & Chesterton real estate group in this project?

Our commitment is a drive for “each net worker to capture what should be “perfect”, leaving nothing to chance and trying to convey daily the core values that we, as a group, have always had, namely, our professional commitment


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