The Castle of Dreams in Monferrato

The Castle of Dreams in Monferrato

Press Office Dec 19, 2013 No Comments

We are going to accompany you to the beautiful castle of Christmas dream in Melazzo, Piedmont. It was built in XI century when Melazzo was an imperial fief of Conti d’Acquesana evidenced by iron crests wrought at the entrance. Here the earl Guido was born. In 1034 he became the Bishop of Acqui and later, in 1070, after his death, he was proclaimed Saint and Protector of Acqui diocese.

The castle was built to defend the village that seems to be in peace and serenity nowadays. In length of time the castle has become a symbol of the most romantic love stories since the early 80s and now it is a perfect place for wedding receptions.

The interior, beautiful and princely, has vaults and original terracotta flooring. The main staircase, which leads to the main floor, is enriched with a valuable wrought iron railing.

On the ground floor there is a large entrance hall and picturesque open gallery which are connected with each other, they make the presentation of the Castle. In the third hall there is a remarkable marble pink fireplace dated back to the end of 17th century. In the basement, the oldest part of the building with outer ramparts, there is an entrance leading to the prisons and an adjacent room with a stone oven of San Guido’s old kitchen (XI century).

A large entrance gives an access to the inside park separating the castle from the old annex where you will find service rooms and a stable overlooking the village trough the massive double lancet window.

It is a unique opportunity to invest in a luxury accommodation or in a residence of high representation.

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