Forbes and the not to be missed “wine&food destinations”: Montefalco, Montepulciano and Montalcino

Forbes and the not to be missed “wine&food destinations”: Montefalco, Montepulciano and Montalcino

Lifestyle Apr 02, 2019 No Comments
The famous American business magazine Forbes created a kind of best world touristic wine&food destinations list. Among those, Tuscany and Umbria stand out.

Recently, the famous American business magazine Forbes created a ranking of the six best world wine&food destinations, three of which are Italian: a kind of special guide for all those tourists and travelers who love food and wine.

Regarding the Bel Paese, the “crowned” locations are the Tuscan Montepulciano and Montalcino, as well as the Umbrian Montefalco.

The beautiful medieval hamlet of Montepulciano, Tuscany.

According to Forbes, Montepulciano with its famous “Nobile” and Montalcino with its renowned “Brunello” perfectly mix the extraordinary beauty of the medieval hamlets and the surrounding naturalistic context. Places, this, rich of culture, traditions, history, wine shops, wine cellars and pubs where it is possible to taste the incredible local products, both along the historical centers alleys and the countryside around.

An amazing view of Montalcino, Tuscany.

A picture of the Montefalco hamlet, Umbria.

Moving now into Umbria, Forbes indicated Montefalco as excellent “food&wine destination”: a charming medieval hamlet, the native land of the “Sagrantino” and the “Arnaldo Caprai” wine producer.

The special rank created by Forbes inserts itself in a very interesting historical moment for the food and wine tourism. Indeed, the number of the travelers who decide to spend their holidays or to visit some places where typical foods and wines – in addition to the beauty, unforgettable landscapes, culture, art and history –  are offered is increasing.

From this point of view, “our” Tuscany and Umbria are certainly winners!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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