Meet the professionals of Great Estate: Marianna Gaiotto

Magazine Great Estate

Let’s get to know Marianna Gaiotto better, a young professional of Great Estate: from the beginning as head of the group’s back office, to the management of international buyer clients.


I am 28 years old and I live in Città della Pieve, a beautiful village in the province of Perugia.
I was born in Umbria, but until 2014 I lived in the province of Treviso. My training path has always been purely linguistic. In 2014, I obtained my linguistic diploma at the Marco Belli Institute in Portogruaro (Venice) where, in addition to English and Spanish, I also studied German.
My five years of high school were accompanied by internships abroad and participation in various English, Spanish and German language certification courses, as well as a basic course in French.

In 2017 I obtained a degree in Linguistic Mediation Sciences at the Higher Institute of Linguistic Mediation Sciences of Perugia (PG). At this juncture, I also approached another language, Japanese

I consider myself a sunny, outgoing, determined person.

I love traveling, it’s one of the great passions that has always accompanied me and that I have tried to explore more so, even though I no longer follow any official training course abroad, I have always tried to learn something new wherever I was. 


I still remember the day of the first company meeting as if it were yesterday. It was December 2017, before my official entry into the group, and despite having studied the material that Stefano Petri had provided me during our last meeting, I was new to everything and everyone. It seemed that, not just a door had opened for me…but an entire galaxy!

It was a really intense day for me, at the end of which I felt not only enthusiastic, but also impatient and curious to really understand what “being part of a big group” meant!

Before the interview I had in 2017, I didn’t know Stefano, but I was immediately struck by the cordiality and humanity with which he treated me from the first moment.

Over time, I have found in him a person who dedicates body and soul to what he does, who loves his company and his work, always eager to grow and improve, both as an individual and as a team, attentive to what he surrounds, always positive, smiling and ready to encourage the people around him.

In short, certainly a leader, but also a point of reference for all of us, even on a human level. 

My journey within the company has been and continues to be a pleasant development.

I joined Great Estate in January 2018 as an intern, initially dealing with Customer Care and Customer Satisfaction. Subsequently, I was entrusted with the role of Head of Back Office which I held until around the beginning of 2021. 

I have always worked at the Great Estate headquarters, where I have had the good fortune and the pleasure of being in close contact with great professionals who, together with our CEO and founder, are among the cornerstones of Great Estate.

Over the years I have never kept my propensity for more “field” work secret than “desk” work, and closely observing Stefano as well as other real estate agents has always fascinated me. Already as Back Office Manager, I had the opportunity to support some of our agents in certain phases of their work, from the inspection of a property, to the response to certain communications or after-sales.

In 2021 “my breakthrough” came.

Great Estate has always generated an important number of contacts, which in some periods has led several agents to be unable to manage new ones or to have difficulty in carrying out even just daily tasks (we bear in mind that, even if that of the real estate agent is a job made up of meetings and relationships, it also requires several office hours).  

After the pandemic, our sector has experienced a “boom”: in general, people have rediscovered the countryside and its importance. This has led to a marked increase in the amount of work for our consultants, however creating the urgent need for a multitasking figure to support the various operators in managing requests and site inspections.

Specifically, a figure was also needed who could support and possibly replace the work of two of our group’s international consultants: Chiara Pompili and Roberto Biggera.

And here I am, since 2021 I have definitively landed in our group’s commercial department.

Since last year, I have also been managing buyer clients independently, while my team work with Roberto, who for me represents not only a tutor, but a friend, an expert guide, a teacher and a working partner with whom it is a pleasure and an honor to work with, continues to this day.


After these almost five years of working for Great Estate, I can now say with certainty that the strength of this company lies as much in the services and consultancy offered, as in the people and environment that form it and which are its soul. 

In fact, it’s no coincidence that in Great Estate the human factor has always been, and will be increasingly so in the future, supported (and not replaced) by cutting-edge IT tools, which allow us all to achieve an even higher quality of work. 

Before my arrival, Great Estate’s achievements were already impressive. On my part, however, I was able to witness further and continuous growth. In fact, thanks to the various roles I’ve played over the years, I can testify firsthand how it’s not just the data that gives strength to my statement, but the same Great Estate clients who contact us every day and from practically every part of the world to entrust us with the search for their dream property or the sale of their property.

Marianna Gaiotto

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