Meet the professionals of Great Estate: Roberto Biggera

Magazine Great Estate

Roberto Biggera: international real estate consultant, an example of commitment and dedication, who boasts a career of over 20 years within the Great Estate group.


I was born in Chiusi, in the province of Siena, and I have always lived in the small town of Piazze, between Cetona and San Casciano dei Bagni. After obtaining my scientific high school diploma, I undertook specific courses to improve my knowledge of the English language and the use of computers.
Like many Italians, I am a great fan of soccer, car racing and sports in general, good food and good wine. I love good music, the sea, spas, cities of art and the mountains in the summer.


Stefano and I have known each other since childhood, having grown up in the same town. We have always been very good friends and at the end of my studies in 2002, the opportunity arose to start working together. I didn\’t think about it for a second and started immediately.
I was Stefano\’s first collaborator in the history of Great Estate and, over 22 years later, I am still here, full of enthusiasm as if it were the first day!
At the beginning I took care of all the aspects concerning the work in the agency: from the care of the website, to the photos, to the advertisements, to the descriptions, translations, contacts and visits with clients, relationships with technicians and notaries for the preparation of deeds or negotiations, and much more.
However, I remember with great pleasure that period, incredibly formative for me from every point of view given that even today, I am able to understand and focus very well on all the work dynamics of a now large and consolidated structure such as Great Estate currently is.

Subsequently, I concentrated on the more purely commercial part: I obtained the qualification as a Real Estate Agent and began to follow clients, both sellers and buyers, Italian and foreign.

Since 2012, I have specialized in the management of international purchasing clients, achieving brilliant results and obtaining a truly important wealth of experience with clients from all over the world (USA, UK, Israel, Russia, Australia, Poland, Belgium, the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Germany, South Africa, Brazil, Canada, Thailand, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong, etc…).
The great experience and the number of negotiations that I have carried out during these 22 years allow me today to offer our clients a 360 degree service, with the utmost professionalism, correctness and availability.

A fairly unique general consultancy in the panorama of the real estate market which, starting from the sale process for any real estate asset, passing through the technical-legal part (urban planning, cadastre-registration) arrives at the tax and fiscal part, thanks also to the network of professionals and consultants who I have helped make part of the world of Great Estate Immobiliare over the years.


Correctness, transparency, professionalism, availability and respect are the fundamental principles on which the Great Estate group is founded, which allow us to improve results and continue to grow year after year.
Great Estate is still like a large family today, founded on simple but authentic and meaningful values. The motto \”Customer First\” is still relevant in the group: the customer and their specific needs come first, before selling at all costs and at any cost.
Our goal is to ensure that buyers and sellers face this important step in their lives with maximum tranquility, serenity, awareness and confidence, knowing that they are accompanied, step by step, by a dedicated Great Estate professional available to respond to any need and solve any type of problem.


In the future I would like to continue to grow and improve together with the entire group, increasingly transmitting the values and skills to the new generations and to all the professionals who will become part of the large Great Estate family. 


To obtain the results I have achieved to date, I only knew one way, which is what the CEO of Great Estate, Stefano Petri, taught me.
I could summarize it in the motto \”NO PAIN NO GAIN\”: working head down with great commitment, passion, dedication, professionalism and competence, making many sacrifices. Without sacrifices you get nowhere in life.

Another motto that has always inspired me is \”CUSTOMER FIRST\” which I would say fully represents me: extreme attention to the customer\’s needs as the guiding star of my work, from the first contact to the signing of the final deed and beyond. Customers who reach the final sale truly satisfied with your work represent the best advertising vehicle, even today!
It is no coincidence that many of my clients have become and still are very dear friends, and this is only possible when work has been done with attention to the smallest details.


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