We met Mr. Stefano Calafà, the CEO of the GE partner agency “Via Dei Colli Immobiliare”, who told us about the objectives reached by the agency during 2018.
Hi Stefano! We are curious about your 2018. Is Via Dei Colli Immobiliare satisfied with it?
Yes, we are very satisfied. It has been a very positive year for us, both in terms of sales and intermediated-properties total values. 2018 has been the most profitable year of the last decade for our agency.
Good so! Can you tell us which were the sales and the properties sold in 2018?
Indeed, the properties we sold were quite heterogenous among each other, both in terms of prices and characteristics. As you can see from the following slide, all the properties have something in common: they are located in the amazing Umbrian countryside. We sold a stone building to renovate in the north of Umbria to an English couple; a traditional farmhouse with some little works to do and located south from Todi has been purchased by a Israeli couple while, another one, a few kilometres norther, by an American family. Again, an estate with vineyard, olive groves and two large stone farmhouses located between Todi and Marsciano has been sold to a Roman family, while two prestigious properties near Orvieto and Todi have been bought by a couple from Naples and a Belgian family; a luxury villa with swimming pool near Orvieto has been purchased by a Bangkok entrepreneur; an English family bought a stone villa between Todi and Perugia. We have also dealt with the purchasing of a property with swimming pool at auction located near Umbertide to a Belgian family.

With a particular reference to the partnership with the group managed by the friend and colleague Stefano Petri, can you tell us which were the sales closed in collaboration with GE?
As an evidence of the perfect working of this partnership, our four most important sales were closed thanks to the collaboration – especially for the prestigious properties – with Great Estate.
Let’s talk about the new clients generated contacts now: how many of them come from the different advertising and exposure modalities of the GE group?
In 2018, we had a total of 349 new potential buyers; 92 of them were originated from the Great Estate advertising channels. Approximately half of the clients generated in 2018 are international: Americans, English, Belgians, Dutch and Italians.
Were there any changing in the organization of Via Dei Colli Immobiliare in 2018?
We had the pleasure to welcome a new professional in our family: Mr. Fabio Lima Battistini. Owning a degree in political sciences and having always worked abroad (Spain and France), Fabio had a very international training. He can perfectly speak 5 languages!
To conclude, Stefano, are you satisfied with the results achieved thanks to the collaboration with Great Estate? How do you see its future?
The results of this historic collaboration are surely satisfying. As a good perfectionist and even if the goals reached are remarkable, I still want to improve. In 2018, progresses on the website – now really beautiful and useful – buyers requests managing, web group promotion, agency internal tasks organization and services offer – among which the Home Staging and the property estimate The Best Price software – have been done.
The human capital of the Group is still its main resource: ethically and professionally I completely feel in tune with Great Estate and Stefano Petri.