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Behind the Magazine: Chiara Peppicelli, the Magazine Coordinator

The true engine of the GE Magazine, in addition to pen and censor behind every article: Chiara Peppicelli is telling us her experience as Manager Coordinator. She is going to analyze the role of this communication tool within the GE

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Genesis and growth of a communication tool: Engine Lab tells us about the new Great Estate Magazine

Roberto Pizzinelli, CEO of the Bologna-based web agency that has been Great Estate’s web and social media partner since 2017, explains the transformation of the magazine in the last three years of activity. The deep revolution in Great Estate’s communications

Great Estate year-end meeting: successes, confirmations and news

December 20th, 2018; the year-end meeting of the GE Group took place. Let’s discover together which were the main points. The year-end GE meeting was not just an opportunity to say Merry Christmas to each other, it was also a