The Great Estate Real Estate Network Keeps Expanding

The Great Estate Real Estate Network Keeps Expanding

Press Office Sep 08, 2016 No Comments
We interview Alessandra Gianna Bucci, the new entry of the Group: among numerous possibilities offered on the market, the agent has chosen the Great Estate Real Estate network, being enthusiastic with the success gained in recent years.

Hello, Gianna. Could you tell us a little about yourself: how long do you work as a real estate agent? What experience do you have?

Hello, I work as a real estate agent since 1982. Initially, when I was still an apprentice, I worked in the secretarial and administrative offices of some real estate agencies. Later, I became a collaborator of one important agency in Val di Chiana. In 1987, with the same colleagues, I started a new company. Then, my position was the President of several companies that build and sell real estate.

In 2001, after ten years of success, thanks to numerous contacts obtained in the process of work, I decided to re-start my independent activity but I stopped in 2013, mostly because of the crisis crippling the real estate world.

In the first month of 2016, I turned back to my main activity as a real estate agent and I entered one historic agency in Perugia.

Despite a good job done at that office, I decided to change the direction and return to the origins: the luxury Real Estate, my eternal great passion.

How did you find Great Estate and why did you choose our Group?

I know Stefano Petri, the CEO, for more than twenty years.

After the out-of-work period, during which I had a chance to think about the changes that occurred in real estate and the changes to be done, I understood that the strength of this work lies in the group.

I think that a well-organized group, well-coordinated professionals together with a right and satisfactory method are essential requirements to sell and to buy properties nowadays. And Great Estate has everything for this! Thousands of national and international contacts, an excellent structure and a business solution actually performed.

As for you, what are the advantages of the Group?

I would say that seriousness, organization, professionalism are the characteristics that I faced when I came into contact with Great Estate.

One more important element of the Group’s strength is the experience in real estate.

What do you think about the approach used by Great Estate in the relationship with new collaborators of the network?

It is excellent: I was greeted very well, with trust and mutual esteem that connected me with Stefano Petri for years.

They explained to me in a swift and comprehensive manner the whole system and the work that stands behind the results gained by Great Estate.

What do you think about The Best Price, the new property evaluation system projected by Great Estate and its partners?

I think it is a fantastic job, to say the least! It will give excellent results: it is user-friendly and helps to optimize your time. It provides agents and clients with comparative estimates and gives serious reference values of the properties. It is not easy to sell a beautiful property with an out-of-market price.

What do you expect from this new relationship?

Frankly speaking, I hope to sell! Great Estate offers a real estate agent, it collaborates with, a well-established name and brand, plus a perfect organization and assistance in any aspect that you may need.

As for me, it is a very important fact, considering that the “care about the client” should be the principal object of every professional.

Clarity, competence, registration of every carried out activity, together with the quickness of a correct response, are the key characteristics of the real estate agent. In my opinion, first of all, the presence of a solid structure behind and, of course, an effective independent work of each professional of the sector makes it all possible.

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Burani Melania

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