Smart Currency Exchange, London-based company, meets Great Estate through STEFANO MARINI

Smart Currency Exchange, London-based company, meets Great Estate through STEFANO MARINI

Press Office Sep 12, 2016 No Comments
The negotiation between Great Estate Immobiliare and SMART CURRENCY EXCHANGE Ltd was recently closed. Stefano Marini, Co-ordinator For Marche & International Property Consultant, the Partner of the Group, has played a key role in this deal.

Stefano has establish a perfect contact at the right moment! First of all, thanks to his availability and professionalism, the London-based company was able to reach an agreement with Stefano Petri, CEO of the Group.

Could you tell us about the recent collaboration with Smart Currency Exchange Ltd and Overseas Guide Company? What does it mean?

I met Mrs. Diana Bellew, Project Manager of the London-based company, through personal acquaintance that we have in common with the agency Fidea Mutui that specializes on credit intermediation for international clients.

Through a telephone call, we organized a meeting in Civitanove Marche, during which Diana showed me the structure and services offered by Smart Currency Exchange Ltd and I described her the Group’s strategy and the new project, Great Estate Partners, that Great Estate is going to realize in the nearest future.

Smart is a company working on the currency market and offering currency exchange services for international transactions; Overseas Guide Company is an agency that offers consulting services for potential buyers of real estate in foreign countries, able to put them in contact with the right facilities and the right partner on the real estate market; on their website users also can receive guided consultancies.

They have consistently generated international clients through the real estate portal that offers property for sale in France, Spain and Portugal. Soon, there will be launched an Italian section that would be able to receive thousands of proposals from the agencies and real estate groups it collaborates with.

What was your role in the realization of this new project?
I would say that, probably, we would have discovered Smart Currency Exchange Ltd and Diana Bellew in any case, but with our common acquaintanceship it was easier and faster. I believe that I appeared at the right moment in the right place.

As for you, why did Smart Currency Exchange chose Great Estate?
I consider that the presentation of Great Estate Immobiliare was more than exhaustive: I showed our organization, structure, our partners, our projects, also those for territorial expansion.

I think they were particularly satisfied with our “spreading” within the peninsula and the Islands. They enjoyed the presence of a Head Office able to coordinate the Network developed in recent years, and still growing, like Great Estate.

What do you think about advantages that this new collaboration with Currency Exchange Ltd and Overseas Guide Company could bring to the Group and its clients?

I think this new partnership will be able to expand the Group’s client portfolio, that is already very large, but is always aimed at growing.

In addition, through the collaboration with Smart Currency Exchange Ltd we will be able to offer one more service to our clients, in order to make the already very efficient activities of the Group even more profitable.

Are you satisfied with the development of Great Estate in the recent years?

I am very satisfied. I came to know Great Estate about three years ago and till now, my experience has been always positive and featured by constant growth.

The new online management program, the new website, The Best Price are the main projects that soon will be available for users and the Great Estate partners and that will make all the services more satisfactory and even better than they are now.

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Burani Melania

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