The positive trend of the group: an October rich of sales for the GE head office

The positive trend of the group: an October rich of sales for the GE head office

Great Estate Network , Stefano's Column Nov 09, 2015 No Comments
During our last meeting, Stefano Petri, our CEO, informed us about the most recent sales done.

During October, the group closed different sales for a total value of more than 6 millions euros. Those are very important figures which prove the validity of our professionals’ work.

Sales mainly interested Tuscany and Umbria, territories where the presence of the brand is very strong.

The most important sale of about 2.55 millions/euros was the one of a villa in Cetona, purchased by some English clients resident in Hong Kong. Remarkable was the one of a beautiful farmhouse of 630.000€ located in Acquapendente and sold to a French couple too. Again, a 470.000€ farmhouse in Radicofani purchased by Italians, another one in Città Della Pieve (1.5 millions/euros) bought by some Belgian clients and, finally, a country estate sold at 1.1 millions/euros to an Italian couple living in UK.

There are also some on-going negotiations which we hope to positively conclude. In particular, the one with some English and US clients for an amazing villa of about 3 millions/euros in Tuscany.

Among the many purchasing offers accepted there is also the one of a property in Umbria, for which about ten visits were held.

Both the vendors and buyers are international, another proof of the exposure guarantee by our advertisement.

All the properties owners shared some specific “marketing plans” focused on the international clientele, something very clear from the results achieved.

Another fundamental elements of our job is the property estimation, every one of which has been professionally realized with the support of some modern IT tools, a further demonstration of the union between specialists and vendors union importance.

The same dynamics can be found for another property in Tuscany, which remained in the market for about 18 months. The main aspect of this negotiation concerns the capital return t our country: buyers are Italians, they are coming back to do an important investment.

All positive messages for the group. We are all very proud about the potentialities and tools we can use to give the best consultancy possible to our clients.

The main on-going negotiations are:

Luxury farmhouse

Prestigious farmhouse

Luxury farmhouse

Prestigious farmhouse

Luxury farmhouse

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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