The Villa sul Clitunno: the new sale of Great Estate


Suzanne van Ravenstein, the real estate agent who managed English clients, tells about the sale of “Villa Ma Provence” in Campello sul Clitunno.

We know that you collaborate with Great Estate for a few years as an agent specialising on Dutch clients. How this relationship is going? Are you satisfied with gained results?

I am very satisfied with this collaboration with Great Estate. The 2016 is going even better than the 2015, this year is featured by excellent results. We are at September, as for me, I have already exceeded the turnover of the previous twelve months.

Recently, you have closed an important sale of a splendid villa in the Municipality of Campello sul Clitunno, in the province of Perugia, in collaboration with Great Estate. What can you tell about this?

Yes, that is true. We have been managing the negotiation through the good team work. From the sale party, four good interlocutors were present with very clear ideas. My English clients were very meticulous; the negotiation lasted several months, all the professionals have worked hard to meet the needs of each part and to reach a good compromise.

How long did you manage these clients? From what advertising channel did they arrive?

I have received their first request in August 2015. They arrived from Rightmove, an international advertising circuit, very efficient in The United Kingdom.

Where are they from? What were their requests like?

My clients live in The United Kingdom. They made the requests for farmhouses in the open countryside, with a beautiful view and not far from the airport of Rome.

Had they made many viewings of farmhouses before found this villa, immersed in the hills of Umbria? Was it an easy choice?

We made the first viewing in November 2015. We had visited seven farmhouses before reached the Villa Ma Provence. One interesting detail: they did not make any specific request about this splendid Villa sul Clitunno, however, Pier Domenico, the Great Estate agent operating in that area, wanted to show it to them. I would say, an excellent result. His intuition was well rewarded.

What was their first reaction when they saw the property?

After the first viewing, they looked very enthusiastic. They already knew the area having spent some time in another rented villa.

They were also fond of furniture, paintings and upholstery, and, in fact, they wanted to buy the villa with all these included.

After that visit, before departing for United Kingdom, they sent me an sms, saying that they were intended to buy it! In a short time, there was signed a purchase offer without, however, any intermediary of a trusted lawyer, but relying only on our Group.

What are the attractions of residence in the region of Umbria?

I believe that the Umbrian countryside should be the first attraction for international clients interested in buying in Italy.
Then, there is a beautiful town of Spoleto with its Festival of two Worlds and Mercatino delle Briciole. Art, music, performances and antiques meet together in such tempting context making it even more attractive. These events are of great demand among tourists from all over the world, especially among Americans and British.

The Great Estate Group has an excellent visibility on the international level. As for you, what are the reasons of this success?

The recent years, Great Estate has invested a lot in the marketing campaign and the results are obvious! Rightmove is only one from the effective advertising circuits offering the worldwide visibility.

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