The sale of “Palatium Magnum”: Filippo Cori’s point of view

Magazine Great Estate
Filippo Cori, the GE real estate consultant who, during the recent sale, dealt with the buyers, tells us about his experience.

The collaboration with Great Estate

I joined the GE team in June, 2016. The one of  “Palatium Magnum” was the fourth sale (click here to discover it) I closed with the group. Previously, together with my colleague Tommaso Luscaio, we had signed the sale of a property in Pitigliano and another located near the Trasimeno Lake. Moreover, a few months ago and in collaboration with Antonio Anile and Maurizio Taddei, we closed also the negotiation of a farmhouse along the Tuscan coast. Surely, the sale of “Palatium Magnum” in Corciano was the most important one

Indeed, I am very satisfied: by a so long and difficult negotiation, I have learned a lot, and I also feel to have repaid that trust which Stefano and his team gave to me.

The knowledge of the buyer

The client contacted us through some Milan specialists coming from Umbria in September, 2017. He was looking for a large and prestigious property for a private use in Umbria. His initial interest was addressed to two prestigious properties of the GE portfolio: the first in Spoleto and the second in Perugia. However, I decided to propose him other choices, among which “Palatium Magnum”, trying to convince the client to visit it. I believed that this property could be the right one for him. With hindsight, I can affirm that I was really right. During the first visit to “Palatium Magnum”, the buyer was very impressed by the building quality and its renovation. I remember one of his first comments while looking at the villa facade: “this is how you build”, or something like that.

The negotiation and the collaboration with the Great Estate CEO, Stefano Petri

Our real estate consultant Filippo Cori

I have to affirm that the first part of the negotiation went smoothly. Then, once near to the final objective, different parties stepped out on the stage: a property due-diligence (click here to discover more about it) was done. The buyer got the help of a famous law office of Milan, so the times became longer and we always had to find a new agreement with the sellers, who were also supported by a professionals pool (layers, architects, etc.). Stefano and I had to face this difficult situation, but we had never taken our eyes off the final objective. In this case, our different – almost opposite – behaviours were very helpful: he is an eternal optimist, while I am maybe too negative. However, this is part of the mediation itself. Our collaboration was a serious, precise and coordinated teamwork. The buyer is an influential American person, who was very satisfied with our work: first, considering that, in addition to “Palatium Magnum”, the other properties we proposed him were appreciated too, he congratulated us for our real estate portfolio. Moreover, during the visits and the negotiation, we always tried to correctly support and inform him about the different steps of the process. 

The secrets of the success

Personally, I think that the element which fundamentally contributed to the negotiation closing was, first of all, the strong buyer’s motivation to find a so specific property: “Palatium Magnum” was one of the few which respected all the features the client was looking for. On the other side, essential was also the seller’s intelligence in taking the opportunity and closing the negotiation in the right moment. 

Finally, I believe that Stefano’s and mine professionalism, accuracy and helpfulness had a“conditio sine qua non”fundamental role to reach the final goal too.

If you want to discover more about the real estate consultant Filippo Cori, do not miss his interview. On-line soon on our Magazine.

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