Making a video call, watched and purchased: the interview to Riccardo Luculli and Nadia Aron

Riccardo Luculli and Nadia Aron, the persons in charge of the German market of Great Estate, as well as the Managing Directors of Italien Immobilien – a GE Network partner agency – are going to tell us the details of the extraordinary sale of “La Terrazza”, purchased after a video chat and in cooperation with the professionals of Rolling Hills Italy – another partner agency of our Network.

Despite the difficulties caused by the current emergency, Nadia and Riccardo were able to close two important sales in a few hours.

Today we would like to tell you about the one that, in lights of facts, revealed itself to be a really extraordinary experience.

Welcome, Nadia and Riccardo! Some weeks ago, you were able to close the sale of a beautiful farmhouse to some German clients who decided to purchase it right after a virtual visit done via FaceTime with Jacopo Menchicchi, the professional who dealt with the vendors and the Managing Director – together with Alberto Zarro – of Rolling Hills Italy, another GE Network partner agency. What an incredible sale!

Hello everybody! Yes, it was so! The signing of the purchase offer and its acceptance have depended on three elements:

  • The vision of the farmhouse brochure on the GE website;
  • The detailed explanation of the Italian real estate world and the consequences that the current emergency may have on it;
  • The virtual visit to the property, done via FaceTime.

What can you tell us about the clients? When and how did you meet them?

The buyers came from one of the German portals co-managed by Italien Immobilien ADvice ADhoc Gmbh – our German agency – and Great Estate. Right after having received the clients’ information request, Nadia phoned them. This is how everything started.

I would like to underline a “small” detail: between the information request and the deposit sending – and without considering the two days needed to arrange all the papers and to translate them, as well as the other two of forced break caused by the weather – it has been just three days!

What can you tell us about the negotiation?

I may summarize it as follows:

  • The clients contacted us because of “La Terrazza”;
  • Nadia spoke with them via phone;
  • Nadia and I contacted Jacopo and Alberto to obtain more information about the property, the same required by the clients;
  • We had a series of contacts with the buyers;
  • Jacopo communicated us to have the possibility of reaching the farmhouse with… his mobile;
  • Through his mobile phone, Jacopo made a virtual property visit that has been attended by the buyers, Nadia and I: the clients were in Germany, while we were at our office;
  • Once Jacopo left this conference, we had an intense conversation with the buyers, at the end of which they informed us about their choice: they wanted to purchase the house;
  • At this point, Alberto and I started a huge back-office work in order to arrange the purchase offer;
  • We sent the purchase offer to the clients who, almost immediately, have signed it;
  • The next day, the vendors signed the buyers’ offer back, while our clients sent us the deposit.

Easy, don’t’ you?

So, can you confirm that the buyers have visited the property through a video call only? Is that a joke?

No! This is the truth!

We were surprised too, but in many parts of the world – in the US for example – this is something normal to do. Moreover, we also have to consider two more aspects. To date, the Italian law in this filed is very codified and well-known all over. The deposit to the notary guarantees the property transfer itself. And again, the fact that the whole world is now under lockdown: this allowed everybody to getting accustomed to general virtual offers and so to be more open to a “remote” purchasing.

So, in this negotiation, the Great Estate Network – through its advertising activities – generated the contact with the buyers of “La Terrazza” that you managed. Thanks to the CRM system of the Group, you have presented and sold them a property managed by another partner of Great Estate, Rolling Hills Italy. A really unique teamwork! As a Group, how did you create the right base to reach a so remarkable goal?


First of all, we simply used the great communicative potential offered by Great Estate. The professionalism of Rolling Hills has been fundamental too: they acquired a property in the best way possible and at the right price. Finally, the possibility of offering to a German client a 360° consultancy service right in German through our Italien Immobilien.

What to say… this is surely the story of a success and of a deep teamwork, a great teaching for the whole Italian real estate sector. What do you think about it?

We do not consider ourselves as “teachers”, we just have to be the first in learning! But there is something that we are sure about:

this first virtual sale has given us a true injection of confidence, something that we will never forget!


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