Meet the professionals of Great Estate: Alice Ceccomoro

Magazine Great Estate

Alice Ceccomoro, international real estate consultant in Great Estate for over 7 years, tells us her personal story and her experience with the group.


I was born in Città della Pieve, class of 1990.
After studying at the scientific high school, I discovered my love for foreign languages and therefore I chose to undertake a university faculty that would allow me to develop this passion of mine.
Thus, I became an interpreter and translator, focusing on English and German, languages that I love deeply.


As with travel, I also have a great passion for the world of real estate.
I like houses, all of them. I like going to see them, tell their story and imagine what it means to experience them.
With the villas and farmhouses we have for sale at the Great Estate group, it’s easy to let your imagination run wild and daydream.

My operational headquarters are in San Casciano dei Bagni.
As a real estate agent, I deal with the management of international clients who are looking to purchase in Italy.

Mainly from the United States and England, but also from all over Europe. I assist clients from the initial research to the sale and also in the after-sale.

I always aim to establish a relationship that goes beyond the economic nature, which is based on mutual trust, esteem and complicity, so as to naturally transform it into something more than a professional relationship.
For me, honesty is above all important, providing objective and measured opinions to clients, to be the point of reference for the beginning of their life in Italy and to share the realization of their dream.
For me there is nothing more beautiful than seeing their emotion and their smile when they look at me with grateful and bright eyes after signing the deed of sale, it fills my heart!

Obviously it’s not always easy, indeed, sometimes it’s tiring, but with commitment and dedication we can achieve great satisfaction.


I met the Great Estate group in 2016, through a series of coincidences. I had recently embarked on my path into the real estate world and through a mutual acquaintance, I met Stefano Petri, CEO of Great Estate.
Right from the start, he gave me an excellent impression and gave me the opportunity to understand that there was room for me too in the world of real estate and that, with the right guidance and correct information, I could achieve something great.
Stefano helped me grow personally and professionally and thanks to him and this job, I have met many interesting people from completely different countries: my horizons have opened and I couldn’t be happier.


I share all the main values of the group and right from the start, I felt in perfect harmony with Great Estate’s current (but always evolving) working method. My experience has been based on this method from the beginning, and I have always been comfortable with it.
Accuracy, attention to detail, customer care, management of difficulties, constant support of the group in times of need, are just some of the strong points of the Great Estate method, and they certainly allow us to start off with a great advantage.

I was taught the importance of always trying to do everything in the best possible way, and as the English say, to try to go that “extra mile” that differentiates us.


At the moment I am dedicating myself entirely to the work of a real estate agent, but since I always need new stimuli to get involved, I will probably add a few arrows to my bow by participating in some new projects.

My goals for the future, in the long term, are very high: to reach them I will have to take one step at a time, but I’m sure I will get there.

A secret dream of mine is to work in international real estate, not just in Italy. Maybe one day Stefano and I could set up a “Great Estate Los Angeles” or “Great Estate Miami” office. I would love to work in other countries as well.


As an international consultant, I have met and continue to meet many different people every day. This is why I believe that, for those who carry out a job like mine, it is essential to understand the person in front of them and to “personalize” the entire shopping experience based on the client’s needs and also on their character.
I am convinced that empathy is a great plus that allows us to carry out our work in the best possible way.

I always try to do my best so that the client can purchase a house in Italy peacefully and without difficulty.
When clients tell me “it was very simple, we are ecstatic” it means that I have achieved my goal.

Sure, sometimes I encounter difficulties, disappointments, difficult periods, but you have to grit your teeth and always look on the bright side of life:

there is so much to be happy about, we just need to realize it!


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