A beautiful farmhouse in Parrano, Terni is sold by the Great Estate

A beautiful farmhouse in Parrano, Terni is sold by the Great Estate

Great Estate Network Mar 16, 2015 No Comments

The solution to selling a farmhouse is to transform it into a holiday home or Bed & Breakfast. An excellent investment in the Parrano countryside.

Yet again, another success for the Great Estate Group, who have sold a beautiful farmhouse in the municipality of Parrano. Today we interview Suzanne van Ravenstein, Great Estate property consultant, and Mr. Angioletto de Nigri, the buyer:

Can you tell us how long you have been in touch with the clients and where were they referred from?

An enquiry from Mr. de Nigri came through our collaboration with Casa Ambiente, a new partner with the Great Estate Group. I met Mr. de Nigri three months ago and we visited three farmhouses. The last, was this beautiful farmhouse in Parrano. It was bought as part of a company to then create a tourist accommodation business with 12 beds. We hope to help Mr. De Nigri with his tourist accommodation business through our new tourist rental website.

Much work is done for clients of the Great Estate Group; what do you think are the reasons for their widespread exposure and subsequent successful results?

Through excellent links to social media networks and cordial and professional personnel.

You sold the farmhouse to Italian clients. We all know that sales of property to Italian clients have dropped dramatically. Why do you think your clients chose to buy this farmhouse in the province of Terni?

Mr. De Nigri chose to buy this farmhouse in Parrano as an investment, the farmhouse was already running as a Bed & Breakfast and so after renovation, he would like to continue with this business. The ‘Piccolo Gioiello’ is ideal as tourist accommodation and has been in great demand in the past by Italian and foreign tourists because of its strategic position between Tuscany and Umbria. It has a perfect location surrounded by greenery and park facilities as well as a panoramic swimming pool.

Mr. De Nigri, how was your experience with Suzanne van Ravenstein?

Super professional in every respect.

What would you say to those who won’t risk buying a farmhouse in the Parrano area?

To trust the Great Estate Group and have the opportunity to meet Suzanne who offered us a well cared for farmhouse in every detail just like Silvia’s and Gianfranco’s “Il Piccolo Gioiello”.

Edited by Valter Luciani and translated by Tanya Pia Starrett

 Il piccolo gioiello – € 370.000 – Codice cpge1069

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