A shining summer for Great Estate: the sale of “Il Giardino Segreto”

A shining summer for Great Estate: the sale of “Il Giardino Segreto”

Sold Oct 01, 2019 No Comments
In July, a really important goal reached by Great Estate: the sale of “Il Giardino Segreto”, an amazing farmhouse located in the south of Tuscany and purchased by a client of Hungarian origins.

Summer 2019 brought another remarkable success for the Group led by Stefano Petri: the sale of an amazing farmhouse located between the charming hamlets of Cetona and Sarteano and called “Il Giardino Segreto”. It has been purchased by an international client.

A property where elegance perfectly marries the beauty of the outside and of a dreaming location: this is “Il Giardino Segreto” (click here to discover the property).

The protagonists of this very important sale signed Great Estate were its CEO, Stefano Petri, and Filippo Cori, who dealt with the buyers. We met him to discover its impressions about.

The first time the current owner of “Il Giardino Segreto” farmhouse contacted us was in August, 7th2018, when his secretary phoned to our head office directly: it is about a man of Hungarian origins but resident in Canada.

I remember that he was looking for a traditional and renovated villa on the Tuscan hills and of about 200-300 sqm. It should have also had a great view and a swimming pool. The ideal location was at about 30 km from Bettolle, while his budget of less than € 1.000.000.

Once I had all this criteria clear, I proposed him several properties. We visited about 10 of them, even if the client visited something like 40 through other agencies too.

Decisively, I had to insist to make the client visiting “Il Giardino Segreto”: indeed, I have to admit that he was the first who discarded this property many times. But when we finally brought him there, he immediately understood its potentialities. This is why he decided then to purchase it as his second home.

I have always believed in the potentialities of this home. We only had to wait for the right client able to appreciate it completely. For this reason, I am really proud of this sale!

However, I have to admit that the negotiation was really hard: the buyer started with a very low offered price and, for a short period, we risked not to start the negotiation. Fortunately, positions “changed” and we were able to positively close this negotiation.

If you want to discover all the details about the sale of “Il Giardino Segreto”, keep reading our Magazine.. the article of our CEO will be on-line soon.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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