The sale of “La Pergola” in Cetona: our interview to Stefano Petri

The sale of “La Pergola” in Cetona: our interview to Stefano Petri

Great Estate Network , Sold , Stefano's Column Oct 10, 2019 No Comments
Among the GE summer sales, the one of the prestigious “La Pergola” apartment into the historic centre of Cetona stands too. For this negotiation, our CEO, Stefano Petri, dealt both with the sellers and buyers. We interviewed him:
  • Good morning Stefano. First of all, would you like to tell us something about the sellers of the property known as “La Pergola”?

I met the clients through one of our service partners, Mr. Mirco Bizzari, a surveyor working in Cetona. This is a further demonstration of the GE partnerships importance. Our partnerships are aimed to the creation and maintenance of a trust relationship among our partners, our clients and us.

Going back to the sellers of this apartment, they are an Italian couple living in Switzerland. They owned the property for about 10 years, period in which they used it for their holidays only.

  • Was the property for sale already? Which kind of assignment for sale has been signed with Great Estate?

“La Pergola” apartment was already for sale with other agencies but, once having discovered our services, professionalism and results, the owners decided to sign an exclusive assignment for sale with a specific marketing plan with us.

  • Did you use The Best Price for the property estimate creation?

Absolutely. As for our other last sales, The Best Price property value proved itself to be almost identical to the selling one.

  • In your opinion, which were the strengths of “La Pergola”?

Its beautiful renovation, view and garden. This last element is very rare to find into a historic centre.

  • Talking now about the buyers…

To talk about them, a clarification is needed. “La Pergola” has been sold to two different clients. Let me be more specific: an Italian couple, the sellers of “Il Giardino Segreto” farmhouse in Sarteano (read here our article), purchased the apartment. Some French clients, the owners of a house near “La Pergola”, purchased the garden. They were already in contact with the sellers, we just supported them during the agreement definition.

  • Why did the buyers choose this property?

After having sold their farmhouse, the sellers of “Il Giardino Segreto” decided to purchase another home. They were considering different property typologies: at the end, considering their needs, they understood that “La Pergola” was the best choice possible. Indeed, they desired a beautiful home in a historic centre, near to all the services. The French clients, instead, desired an external space for their home.

  • To conclude, Stefano, which is your opinion about the property acquisition, negotiation and any other aspect that you think is important to underline?

For this negotiation too, the perfect union between the advertisement typology and property selling price was fundamental.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è Storico-prezzi-La-Pergola-1.png

In terms of property views and until a price reduction – March 12th, 2019: from € 640.000 to € 550.000 -, the results were almost discouraging (see the following diagram).

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è Schermata-2-art-La-Pergola.png

From April 2019, after the price updating done according to a value which was perfectly in line with The Best Price, the monthly-average property views increased from 150 to more than 600 (a 400% increment). All of this after a price decrease of just the 15%, something which perfectly adjusted it to our estimate. Actually, from the moment of the price review, this property has been sold in a month.

N.B.; starting with May, the property views have decreased. This was because the house has been taken off the market.

Finally, I would like to underline that, in addition to the purchase offer of the clients who bought the property, we received three further offers including the garden for the asked price of € 550.000.

This confirms that, when the asking price of a property is adjusted to the estimate we create through “The Best Price”, a clear increasing of the views and, consequentially, of the possibility to find the right client for the purchase will be obtained.


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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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