After having spent about 15 years in “C’Era Una Volta”, Adrian and Gillian were finally able to sell this charming property to a German couple through the cooperation with Rolling Hills and the GE Network. We interviewed them.
- Welcome, Adrian and Gillian. Last 22nd of December, thanks to the cooperation with the GE Network, you were finally able to sell to a couple from Dortmund the property where you lived for many years. We would like to discover more about you: could you tell us something?
Sure! We come from Northamptonshire, in the UK. Our family is composed of 5 people: my wife, our three daughters, and me.
- Why, in 2006, did you decide to purchase a property in the charming countryside near Montepulciano, in Tuscany?
At that time, I worked in the Deutsche Bank, in the offices of London. I used to travel 4 hours per day to reach my office, so I did not have so much free time to spend with my family during the week. For this reason, I decided to change my life and offer my daughters the opportunity to learn a new language.
- What did it mean to you to live in “C’Era Una Volta” for about 15 years? Do you have any particular anecdote about this property to share with us?
Tuscany is a beautiful place, its landscape is simply breathtaking. We do not have any particular anecdote to tell you but… I can affirm that getting up and, from the terrace of your home, admire the sun arising on the hills of Montepulciano will remain one of the most touching memory I will ever have.
- We know that, after the purchase, you started the renovation of the farmhouse: what can you tell us about it?
My wife and I have already done some renovation work to a property we had in the UK, and we really loved it! I have to admit that renovating a farmhouse in Italy was even more exciting!
- Could you tell us the reasons why you decided to sell “C’Era Una Volta”?
Our daughters grew up in Italy, so they perfectly speak Italian and English. They enjoyed the best of Tuscany, such as its weather and parties. However, they are now back in the UK to start their professional careers, and my wife and I decided to stay close to them.
- Let’s talk now about your cooperation with Rolling Hills, one of the GE partner agencies. How did you meet Alberto Zarro and Jacopo Menchicchi?
Some friends suggested us to contact Rolling Hills because they have a property for sale with them in Montepulciano.
- Why did you decide to entrust yourself to them? If compared to the other real estate agents with who you cooperated during the years, which are their strengths?
We cooperated with many local agencies, but Alberto and Jacopo worked very hard, and were decisively the most productive ones! Just to give you an example, they were able to bring more clients than any other to visit our home: I think something about three times the other.
- Originally, “C’Era Una Volta” was divided into two apartments. This created some difficulties for the sale, so you decided to unify them. In your opinion, has this choice influenced the sale of your home?
The international buyers were mainly looking for “unique” farmhouses: for this reason, we think that having unified the two original apartments into a unique unity was definitely was allowed us to sell the house.
- In order to understand the value of your property once ended the works, you asked for their advice. So, Jacopo and Alberto used The Best Price to obtain a precise and detailed estimate of your home. What do you think about it?
We think that the estimate they suggested to us was very detailed and respectful of the market values.
- Thanks to the support of Alberto and Jacopo, you were finally able to sell your charming farmhouse to a German couple. What can you tell us about the buyers, Michael and Britta, and your relationship with them?
Michael and Britta are very cute, they proved to us their interest in the house right from their first visit on site. I remember that the same day they visited “C’Era Una Volta”, two other clients were visiting the house too. In the end, we received two different purchase offers. Even if Michael and Britta’s one was not the higher, we considered their offer the best choice to realize the sale of our home.
- Let’s talk now about the negotiation: could you tell us shortly how was it? What do you think of the assistance received during the whole purchase process?
Alberto and Jacopo come to us in person to explain to us the purchase offer of Michael and Britta, supporting us so as to understand all the benefits it included. After having request a small modify on it, we immediately accepted the offer. The following four months after the purchase offer acceptance, Alberto and Jacopo committed themselves to close the whole process in the best way possible.
- Are you satisfied with your experience with Alberto and Jacopo and the whole GE Network? If, in the future, you will have to sell another property, how would you manage it?
Alberto and Jacopo are incredible:
they know the market and speak English perfectly. For these and many other reasons, we would surely recommend them and your Group.
- To conclude, so, which could be your advice for other clients who wants to sell or purchase in Italy?
If you are seriously considering buying property in Italy you will definitely need a good local agent. Alberto, Jacopo, and the whole GE Network are surely the best!
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Alberto Zarro tells us about the sale of “C’Era Una Volta”