Cuneo: the green capital of Piedmont

Cuneo: the green capital of Piedmont

Lifestyle Nov 21, 2019 No Comments
Curiosities and traditions of an amazing historical Piedmont town: welcome to Cuneo.

As suggested by its name, the town of Cuneo is located on a wedge-shaped high ground at about 615 MAMSL and near the confluence of the Stura river and the Gesso creek. Thanks to the presence of several public parks and natural areas, Cuneo is known as the Green Capital of Piedmont. The town and its surroundings may boast also a great vicinity to many mountain passes. The amazing Maritime and Cozie Alps frame, the same that surrounds the city, give to Cuneo and its landscape a touch of glamour and mystery as well.

The ancient origins of Cuneo date back to 1100, period during which the city remained sheltered in its walls: in the Napoleonic period, when these walls were demolished, it started its expansion. Some years later, during the Commune period, some inhabitant of this area take shelter on “Pizzo di Cuneo” by founding there a free Commune. During the following years, the Commune was settled by many noble families: from the Saluzzo marquess, to Carlo D’Angiò, as well as the Angioini and Savoia families.

The town historic centre is very beautiful and traditional: ancient porticos, the central Via Roma and the famous Piazza Galimberti.

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Every summer, Cuneo hosts the famous Festa Della Madonna Del Carmine: more than 60 confraternities take part to this event by parading with traditional dresses during the procession held in the alleys of the historic centre.

Talking about the food and wine heritage of this area, “Degustibus” has to be mentioned: it is an important gastronomic event aimed to valorise the products and the traditional excellences of this Piedmont area.

Finally, we remind you about the one which may be considered the most symbolic dessert of Cuneo: Cunese al rum, a dessert created in 1923 by Andrea Arione and protected by the Italian Brevetto per Marchio d’Impresa.

Did Cuneo and its territories intrigue you? Would you like to discover the GE real estate proposals of this stunning area of Piedmont? You just have to click here.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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