Studio Arch-è: passion for the architecture, interior design and landscape

Studio Arch-è: passion for the architecture, interior design and landscape

Partners Nov 22, 2019 1 Comment
Do you remember our last article about architect Federico Peparaio? Today, we are going to meet him again in order to discover more about this important GE service partner: the history of Studio Arch-è.

Studio Associato Arch-è has been founded by the architects Ivano Malizia and Federico Peparaio, both with an architecture degree at the University of Florence.

Architect Malizia boasts a very large experience in the field of the property restoration and conservative renovation, while architect Peparaio, during the years, has specialized himself in the interior design.

This is precisely the base of Studio Arch-è.

Two “generations” that meet and share the same passion for the architecture, interior design and landscape. The graphic and artistic skills of the first are completed by the creativity of the other, originating so a very unique and aware architectural “language” that, through the highest respect of the landscape, space and people, becomes the reality.

In order to create projects made of personality, beauty, research, balance and harmony, Studio Associato Arch-è deals and personalizes every single space.


An architectonical project where every single aspect has to be treated carefully in every single detail – from the preliminary studies to the final design and realization.


This study knows how to make the internal spaces of a room reborn. Studio Arch-è projects are the results of a balanced research that includes technology, tradition, quality and design. The clients’ requests are interpreted through a high-quality professional assistance.


Every element of a room is projected on the basis of the clients’ need, in an exclusive way and with the best proposals. Personalized and elegant solutions are proposed, developed and optimized.

In the next weeks, we will discover two recent and interesting projects realized by the GE service partner “Studio Associato Arch-è” of Città Della Pieve. Keep reading our magazine!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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