A dream comes true: the interview to Mr. Michael Huber, one of the new owners of “Villa Le Ginestre”

The amazing “Villa le Ginestre” in Ansedonia, Argentario, has been purchased in November, 2018, by two German couples who, in this way, had realized their dream of a lifetime: buying a home in Italy. One of the new owners, Mr. Michael Huber, has kindly answered to some of our questions.

Good morning Mr. Huber and thank you for being here. If we may ask, where do you live and what do you do in your life?

Good morning. I’m a medical doctor and I live in Munich.

  • Why did you decide to purchase a property in Italy? Did you already know Tuscany and, in particular, Monte Argentario? 

I often came to Tuscany… and I have also studied in Florence. Three years ago, we spent the holidays in Monte Argentario and we all fell in love with this beautiful area.

  • Under what circumstances did you meet and contact Great Estate?

We contacted it through an agent from Munich who was collaborating with GE.

  • We know that your trusted consultant at GE is Elisa Biglia. What can you tell us about her? Did Elisa manage a quick and efficient reaction to your requests? 

Absolutely! Elisa has always been very quick and helpful. A very reliable person who did a really outstanding job!

  • How many properties have you seen with her? 

About 6 properties.

  • What, in “Villa Le Ginestre”, has impressed you so much to decide to buy it? What did you like about this property?

The view is amazing. The house is in a very good condition and it also offers the possibility to get some extra land for a pool. That’s perfect!

  • How will you use the villa? 

It will be our holiday home.

  • Did you already know the town of Ansedonia? What do you like of it? 

No, Elisa took us there for the very first time.. nice view, calm, nice beach, good access to the highway, so.. a really lovely town!

  • In short, what can you tell us about your experience with Great Estate and Elisa? 

Elisa took a very good care of us.. she is very professional. Every little and unexpected problem has always been resolved quickly and efficiently. 

  • To conclude, Mr. Huber.. would you and your friends recommend Great Estate to other people who, just like you, want to buy a prestigious property in Italy? 

I have already recommended Elisa to some friends of us that are interested in some properties.

Why not doing the same of Mr. Huber? Entrust yourself to the Great Estate Group to purchase your luxury property. Our professionals will be able to realize your “Italian dream” too.

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