The meeting with all the partner agencies held by Great Estate in San Casciano Dei Bagni, Tuscany, has recently finished.
The meeting was a real success: delegates from the Piedmont, Tuscan, Umbrian, Sardinia, Lazio, Apulia and Sicilia agencies, as well as all the external GE specialists, attended all this incredible meeting.
The news introduced is really amazing and they will be soon transformed into reality. To be more precise, many of these news are already a reality, but the meeting was another occasion to confirm their importance.
The first great new concerns the new Great Estate website, brilliant, dynamic, elegant and innovative.
It is the result of some Real Estate experts’ work. The new website presentation was able to amazed everyone, especially those who did not have the possibility to live the steps before, needed to reach the current release.
Then, there was The Best Price presentation, the new project coming from the innovative ideas of the university, IT, Real Estate, business-development professionals.
This cutting-edge IT system is aimed to make a property estimate even more professional and impartial. It includes different parts, among which the e-commerce, statistics, clients managing ones. The platform is divided into three levels: one for the professional, one for the agency and the other for the whole network.
It has been created thanks to the GE know-how and experience. Today, it presents itself as the perfect tool for the Group’s work support.
News from the partner agencies
The meeting went on with the speeches of some real estate agents of the network.
An example, Piedmont: in just one cooperation year, six were the properties sold. Recently, another property has been put under negotiation too. The value: something like 2 millions/euros.
Talking now about the head office, 2016 has been a really successful year: farmhouses, villas, luxury apartments for a total value of 16 million/euros were just some of the many properties we sold. Two months before the year closing, we have already passed the results reached in 2015.
The external specialists’ speeches
The external specialists’ interesting speeches underlined the strength of this Group too.
Following the presentation order, lawyer Giandomenico De Tullio, as well as the Studio Legale Internazionale De Tullio Law Firm partner, an office specialized into the real estate transactions management and “cross border” heritage issues.
Mr. De Tullio is a member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (Step), as well as the regional delegate of the US Chamber of Trade in Italy.
He had already cooperated with some professionals of the group as Stefano Calafà, Suzanne Van Ravenstein, and Filippo Cori.
He was really excited about the meeting: “The Group made me a great impression immediately. Accuracy, professionalism, willingness are all features which I had the pleasure to observe. The attention toward the client is the other added value which I could notice, together with the attention to the detail and the ability to communicated with international clients!”
Then, there was also the presentation of the London currency exchange company, Smart Currency Exchange Ltd, the new GE partner.
Ms. Diana Bellew, the company Business Development for the Italian area, and Ms. Ludovica Guerrieri presented, with a great professionalism, both their company and services.
Finally, Ms. Barbara Baudissard’s speech, the delegate of Vera Consulting, the Milan company which deals, among the many things, with the business and HR development.
The meeting, aimed to present the company activities for the large business, was very interesting.
So, this GE workshop was a real success and, above all, it was the confirmation of the strength and passion which every network professional put while doing his/her work.
To increase and reach even higher results and clientele satisfaction.
Some short professionals’ feedbacks

Alice Ceccomoro
Congrats for the meeting. It was really interesting! Great steps ahead were made. The Vera Consulting speech has been truly illuminating!

Iulia Sharenko
Many innovative and useful things.. this meeting will surely change our work positively!

Antonio Anile
It was a really pleasant day, which gave us the awareness of our possible increasing and current position.
Barbara was amazing. I attended different motivational meeting, focused on the communication: I have to admit that, the one of yesterday, was really useful.
Mary Ann Tumiotto
A very interesting meeting during which I had the pleasure to meet some great professionals. Barbara’s and De Tullio’s speech were incredible. A really positive impression.

Andrea Monti
Yesterday, the meeting was really interesting. We have to keep increasing, so to distinguish ourselves from the competitors. The ones able to do so will be the only really useful for the Group!
Barbara was great.
Silvia Piovanello
A really interesting and positive meeting, both for the subject matter and the new partners meeting.

Angelina Cocca
First of all, this meeting was a way to meet every specialists with who we daily work. The Vera Consulting training course was really interesting too.

Tommaso Liscaio
A great occasion to meet every colleague of the network. A really pleasant and productive atmosphere. Maybe, there was too many information released in just a meeting, but I completely understand the difficulty to often organize a meeting like this.
Martina Aldi
Meeting like this are, in my opinion, very important. I really appreciated the speech of “Vera Consulting”.

Elisa Biglia
This meeting was really important because it gave us the possibility to meet all together and take the stock of the situation and possible developments. The matters concerning the short speech of Vera Consulting are very interesting.

Filippo Cori
It was a real interesting meeting. Barbara’s speech was amazing. We had the prove that every GE specialists is still ready to improve and learn new things. Talking about the new website and IT system, the improvements were great but we still have to do so. Smart Currency Ltd, instead, is a great new opportunity.
Ludovico Pinzi
In my opinion, this meeting are an occasion to get in contact with the specialists of the different fields. Being I one of the Group new entries, having the possibility to do so is a very important possibility.
Carla Caselli
Very interesting and motivational meeting. The Vera Consulting speech was very motivating. The GE presentation was amazing.

Stefano Calafà
I already knew The Best Price, but its presentation confirmed its importance. Barbara’s speech was very interesting too.
Raffaele, Logica Immobiliare
A very positive feedback regarding the Luxury Real Estate marketing and Barbara’s speech.

Valter Luciani
The meeting was really interesting, as well as the De Tullio’s and Barbara’s speeches. Great Estate is continuously improving!
Giuseppe Annolino
The speeches of the GE external specialists proved its particular style and Stefano’s method. I bring with me the image of a well-managed company. The Best Price is an amazing project!
Nello Sortino
The new Great Estate website mirrors the new language. The property research is well-organized and intuitive. The Best Price is unique. Talking about the De Tullio’s and Barbara’s speeches, they were absolutely illuminating. I think that Smart Currency Exchange Ltd will be able to offer a great service to our clients.

Chiara Peppicelli
A very interesting and motivating meeting. The website and The Best Price are simply incredible. I am very sorry to have lost Barbara’s speech.
Virginia, Porpora Immobiliare
A really satisfying atmosphere. External specialists’ speeches were incredible. We are already using The Best Price, and it is simply perfect!
Laura Rappuoli
The new website presentation, Barbara Baudissard’s, Diana Bellew’s and Ludovica Guerrieri’s works are simply interesting and motivating.
Diana Bellew, Smart Currency Exchange Ltd
A very pleasant day. In our meeting, we usually talk about incomes. Here, we had the possibility to talk about ideas and projects too. I was really amazed by Barbara’s speech.
Ludovica Guerrieri, Smart Currency Exchange Ltd
Enthusiasm, attention and participation are the key words of this meeting! It was a really a great surprise. We are sure that the cooperation with this group will produce beautiful results.
Marco Barbanera
The whole day, as well as Barbara’s speech, were very interesting. I already knew The Best Price, but I have to admit that it has increased a lot!
Pierdomenico Gervasi
The meeting, new website and The Best Price presentation, Barbara’s speech and Diana’s one.. Incredibly interesting!
Fabrizio Bocci
The meeting was really incredible. Stefano Petri created something unique, for which real professionals are needed.

Gianna Alessandra Bucci
I am very glad to have attended it! I had the possibility to meet many professionals. Moreover, both the website and The Best Price are something extraordinary.

Suzanne Van Ravenstein
The meeting was really interesting, as well as the different speeches held during it. I was really satisfied! Great Estate is even more increasing!

Luca Bonifaci
I particularly liked the new website, while I consider The Best Price as a great tool for out work. The different speeches and services presentation were very interesting too.

Valentina Fabbrizzi
Meetings are some very important moments, because they allow to get to know each other. In this specific case, it was amazing to have the possibility to find the results achieved by The Best Price and the website out. Moreover, the speeches and the services presentation were incredible too.
Giacomo Migni
The meeting was very motivating. Both the presentations of the new services and tools, as well as the professionals’ speeches, were incredibly interesting.
Barbara Baudissard, Vera Consulting
A fairy location and a great energy.
One thing is clear: there is a great shared will to learn and improve. During the meeting, there was a common theme: intercultural communication, something fundamental for this sector too. For this reason, the choice of Vera Consulting, represented by its CEO, Barbara Baudissard. Vera Consulting is an expert in luxury commerce. It owns also a model, the Premium Attitude® Model, which supports the innovative training plans on the theme.
And this is just the starting!

Giacomo Buonavita
Personally, I found the meeting really interesting. Stefano Petri showed the Group’s objectives and tools very clearly. The cooperation presentation was very motivating too.

Roberto Biggera
This meeting was something extraordinary. The partners’, services, tools, goals presentations were incredibly motivating and useful. I want to congratulate Stefano because he was able to put in place a very satisfactory meeting.