Great Estate and Great Stays celebrate Perugino and Signorelli in the new Repubblica Guide

Great Estate and Great Stays celebrate Perugino and Signorelli in the new Repubblica Guide

Great Estate Network , Lifestyle Feb 01, 2023 No Comments

Great Estate appears in the prestigious Repubblica guide dedicated to Umbrian artists, ‘Signorelli and Perugino – 500 Years of Splendour’, available at all newsstands, in Italian bookshops and online at Amazon and IBS, from 15 February 2023.

The year 2023 marks the 500th anniversary of two great artists of the Italian Renaissance, who have left so much in Umbria and Tuscany: Piero Cristoforo Vannucci, known as Perugino, and Luca Signorelli.

Thanks to this exceptional anniversary, the cities of Perugia, Cortona, Orvieto and Città Della Pieve will promote a series of important events, aimed at enhancing the territory that has seen the work of these two great artists of Italian painting mature.

On the occasion of this extraordinary event, the Great Estate and Great Stays brands will be featured in the dedicated Repubblica Guide, ‘Signorelli and Perugino – 500 Years of Splendour’.

With the special, Repubblica celebrates the works and genius of these two great masters of Italian art, through a story in which the beauty of the art and that of the places where the two artists lived and worked merge.

Luca Signorelli, born in Cortona, and Umbrian by adoption, left a strong mark in the upper Tiber Valley before dedicating himself to his masterpiece, the Cappella Nova or Chapel of San Brizio in the right transept of the cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta in Orvieto, executed between 1499 and 1504. 

Perugino, also famous as the “Divine Painter”, born Pietro Vannucci, was the greatest representative of Umbrian painting of the 15th century. 

Perugino was born in the village of Città della Pieve, where among other works, the fresco The Adoration of the Magi is kept. In this work, the painter’s bond with the territory is clearly evident, a love for the landscape that we share and that we are proud to be able to represent in Italy and around the world through our work.

Indeed, the Great Estate headquarters in Città della Pieve has a truly privileged location, right in front of the Oratorio dei Bianchi where the fresco is located.

“We are very proud to be part of this important guide which recounts so many excellences, such as those of Italian painting and of these splendid borderlands.
Excellences that are the pride of the area in which Great Estate and Great Stays operate, and which they also enhance through the presentations of the splendid properties curated by our network.”

– Stefano Petri

Prestigious Properties in the Lands of Artists

In this area where nature and villages create a unique and magical synergy, and where the hand of man has been able to create so much excellence, you can discover splendid and exclusive properties such as ‘Casale Vista D’Incanto In Umbria’, an ancient monastery restored with elements of landscape architecture.

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Chiara Peppicelli

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