Great Estate is ready to fulfill its Russian clients’ Italian dream. Cooperation with GGA RF

Great Estate is ready to fulfill its Russian clients’ Italian dream. Cooperation with GGA RF

Press Office May 16, 2019 No Comments
From February 2019, new and really interesting cooperation had started between Great Estate and GGA RF. The aim? Increase the amount of the buyers coming from Russia. We met the owner and CEO of this agency, Alexey Seppyanen.
  • Welcome, Alexey. Could you please tell us something about your agency?

Of course. Currently, GGA RF is a St. Petersburg based agency. However, when we started our business ten years ago, we were in Siberia.

  • How many people work in GGA RF? What is your internal organization?

The agency is composed of 6 professionals, everyone dealing with some specific tasks as the website, partner relationships and clients managing. Obviously, an accountant and a person in charge for the advertisement sector are present too.

  • Why did you decide to start a cooperation with an Italian agency? Who are your clients and what kind of properties are they looking for? What do they prefer of our country the most?

Surely, every client is different, so as every purchase. We have clients who want to permanently move in Italy, others who decide to purchase there a home for their children or other again who choose your country just for their real estate investments. Generally speaking, they all are attracted by the Italian climate, sea, prices, geographical position and lifestyle.

  • How did you discover Great Estate and why did you choose it to start a cooperation?

Because a really trusted partner of mine suggested it to me.

  • What do you expect from this new cooperation with Great Estate?

The answer to this question is very easy: we want to close as many sales as possible!

Talking more seriously, for me, as the GGA RF owner and CEO, the relationship with the new partner has a fundamental role. I am accustomed to entrust myself to the people who I am working with, so I expect the same from them. I am very glad to have the possibility to work with you. Talking about the future, I am sure to be in good hands. As already said, one of my trusted partner suggested me your group and that, in my opinion, is enough.

So, a really important new cooperation for Great Estate, ready to support the Italian dream of the many Russian clients coming! Click here to discover more about GGA RF.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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