Rolling Hills and Val D’Orcia Group: the interview to Alberto Zarro and Jacopo Menchicchi

Rolling Hills and Val D’Orcia Group: the interview to Alberto Zarro and Jacopo Menchicchi

Press Office Apr 11, 2019 No Comments

After Stefano Petri – Great Estate -, today is the turn of the other two Val D’Orcia Group protagonists: the Rolling Hills professionals Alberto Zarro and Jacopo Menchicchi.

Jacopo and Alberto, why do not you tell us something about you? How long have you been working into Real Estate? What do you deal with?

Alberto. I am a real estate agent for 10 years. I started when I was at university because it has always been my dream. The Real Estate world fascinates me, it is like making 10 jobs together and, to today, for me it is more a lifestyle than a job. I mainly deal with the properties acquisition and their commercialization.

Jacopo. I managed four touristic accommodations. 6 years ago, one of my clients asked me to help him finding a farmhouse to purchase and so I met Alberto. This is how I started my experience into the Real Estate. Currently, I am dealing with the buyers managing and I also support Alberto for the acquisition of the properties: owing a high quality properties portfolio has always been our main trait.

The Great Estate CEO, Stefano Petri, told us that your agency, at the beginning of this year, closed a new partnership agreement with Great Estate. Would you like to tell us something about it?

Jacopo and Alberto. We have always observed the Great Estate work with interest. Stefano, a great vendor, was able to revolutionize this sector by making players who were not used to collaborate doing a great teamwork. Indeed, the Italian Real Estate has always been characterized by a strong individualism. For this reason, we could only admire both Stefano and his team: they really have achieved enviable goals.

Filippo Cori made us know the GE reality: it immediately seemed us a great professional opportunity, a way to share our experiences with other professionals.

In addition to this new partnership with GE, we know that, together with Great Estate, you are taking part to the Val D’Orcia Group project too. What can you tell us about it? Why did you choose to participate?

Jacopo and Alberto. Actually, the question is: “why not?”.

In a so demanding and competitive sector, the only way possible to offer a high quality service and to specialize yourself is to collaborate and share the different tasks. We live in Val D’Orcia , an extraordinary area which, from many years now, is demanding a business reality able to tell and valorise it abroad: a team composed of Great Estate and Rolling Hills is the perfect response to the market needs.

Which will be your role in this new project?

Jacopo and Alberto. Surely, we will use our passion and determination to reach the goals we predetermined ourselves as a Group.

Alberto, by underlining aspects like the historic and emotional values of a property, will work to the property selection and valorisation. This to bring some romanticism back while choosing a home, which is not only a financial investment, but a life one.

Jacopo will be the person in charge of transmitting our passion for the territory and supporting the buyers during the purchase process.

What do you expect from the Val D’Orcia Group? in your opinion, how will it improve your professional experience?

Jacopo and Alberto. The only limits of the Val D’Orcia Group will be our imagination. In our territory, to today, there is any similar reality. We will create a unique quality response to a too long ignored demand.

Jacopo, you will deal with the international buyers: why should they choose the Val D’Orcia Group to purchase a prestigious property?

Because they will find reliability, professionalism, efficiency and people able to transmit all the emotions contained into those properties in us.

Alberto, even if you will deal with the vendors, we are going to ask you the same question: why should a buyer choose the Val D’Orcia Group to purchase a prestigious property?

Only who believes in the product he/she is selling is able to achieve a result and.. we believe in it!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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