Great Estate’s newest consultants: Marco Venanzi

Magazine Great Estate
After Caterina Caloni, today we are going to introduce you other new entry in Stefano Petri’s team: let’s meet Marco Venanzi.

Good morning Marco, would you tell us something about yourself?

Of course! I was born in Acquapendente, in the Tuscia area, where Latium meets Tuscany, a particularly suggestive place. I am 36 years old and it is more than 10 years that I’ve been living in Orvieto (Terni) with my wife Barbara and our son Lorenzo, almost seven years old: a true energy explosion!

What’s your personal education?

I went to a science high school, after that I started studying law at the university, and at the same time, I was working in my family business. For a few years, my passion for law drove me to deep aspects related to the real estate world and I decided to enroll in a specific university course, “science of law services” in “law expert on real estate”.

What are your previous work experiences?

I’ve always been keen on the sales sector. My family history is bound to trading and sales in the agricultural field and, since I was a child, I’ve always been in contact with this world.

During the years I’ve taken the leadership of the business and I converted it according to the market trends. Right after it, I’ve dedicated myself to education on different levels: curiosity, knowledge thirst, and growth are fundamental for me.

A few years ago, I helped my wife to start her home staging activity getting to know the high effectiveness of this real estate marketing strategy.

When have you approached the real estate world?

In 2017 I discovered home staging and its complementarity with the real estate world. I immediately realized how important it was to be educated in order to better introduce the service, still unknown for many realtors. I, therefore, deepen the subject and decided to attend the course to become a realtor.

It was extremely interesting to get to know this world! I got my license in October 2019 in Viterbo’s Chamber of Commerce and since January 7th, 2020 I am officially enrolled as a Real estate Agent in the specific section of the business’s registry.

What motivations drove you to this area?

Supporting my wife in the home staging activity let me in the real estate market, let me know the aspects of the agent’s work and let me understand which improvements I needed and also what I could do to improve the customer experience. My commercial soul pushed me to see solutions and possibilities that now, as a licensed realtor, I can put in practice. As Tom Hopkins, a famous master trainer said:

The sale process is a sequence of two moments. Firstly, you need to educate yourself, secondarily you need to educate the customer”

I chose to educate myself and I keep doing it every day!

And let’s focus on your recent cooperation with the Great Estate Group. How did you get to know us?

I’ve been aware of Great Estate’s famousness as a high-end property market leader for a long time. 

Them, a few years ago, my wife and I have had the luck to meet Ilaria Peparaio, real estate consultant and home stager, and we’ve worked together on several staging, with great results. My curiosity towards the Great Estate group grew fast, and then I got the chance to meet Stefano Petri, Great Estate’s CEO.

What were your first impressions on Stefano Petri, Great Estate’s CEO?

Right from the first meeting, I felt a strong empathy and I admired Stefano’s extensive experience. Talking to him was stimulating and captivating, the thing that led to an increasing desire to become a part of this group.

What is your work in our organization today?

My involvement with Great Estate coincided with the training period of my university course, which I’m still attending while working directly on the field, as sellers’ consultant. I also had the pleasure and the honor to cooperate with the writing of the update of the booklet for the professional working in the group, created by Stefano Petri: a differentiating tool, unique and innovating.

Marco, why did you decide to become part of Great Estate, specifically?

Stefano Petri and all the professionals at Great Estate represent for me a steady source of motivation and growth. Expertise and determination are the keys to the success of this group, together with the inspiring teamwork spirit. I strongly wanted to become part of this team, of which mission and goals I share.

What are the strengths of our brand and of Great Estate’s network?

Great estate’s strength can be found in many aspects: in the highly competent and specialized professionals, in the many operating partners, in the spread all over the country, in the powerful marketing and communication that bring referenced clients, in the managing software and in the valuation software, a cutting-edge tool in the sector.

What do you think of our software “The Best Price”?

An innovating and performing tool, that answers the specific real estate market demands. Through the online statistics, it is possible to obtain an extremely functional market analysis for the sellers, to reach the sale-goal faster. For us consultants, The Best Price is an excellent support and allows us to offer our clients a full service, specifically outlined for each one of them.

Do you think that some aspects of the activity and/or of the organization of Great Estate need to be integrated and/or made more efficient and performing?

I believe that organically and systematically structuring the home staging service could be an ulterior differentiating service, much appreciated by foreign clients, who have known it for over 25 years. The powerful marketing plans, already used by great estate, together with a systematic home staging offer, can give us the solid possibility of reaching unique goals.

Finally, Marco, how do you see Great Estate future? What are the results that you expect from this work experience?

Paraphrasing the basketball champion Michael Jordan, talent allows you to win single games but only team work can let you win the championship. Great Estate is my team! I expect stimulation, challenges and successes and their sharing, personal and professional growth.

Marco Venanzi

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