Home Automation: how to technologically manage your house

Home Automation: how to technologically manage your house

Lifestyle Dec 27, 2018 No Comments
More and more often we are hearing about domotics: a field that studies the technologies needed to improve the life quality at home and, more in general, in the buildings. Let’s discover what it is.

“Domotics”: home automatization with systems able to remotely manage your house in real time: from the heating system to the appliances and the security. For example, it is possible to buy some domotic systems that, thanks to a panel, allow you to manage every aspect of your house with/at no excessive costs. Just to mention some of those systems, they are similar to the ones used by the night-vision cameras, anti-foam detector alarms and anti-blinding and anti-masking sensing devices.

It is also true that, during the last years, the home automation has oriented itself towards the luxury, with systems and tools that transform your home in a fantasy film set! Let’s see some examples:

The Nema in San Francisco, in a walking distance from the Twitter headquarters: a high-tech condominium that, through smartphone, monitors the parking and allows to now if there are some visits or if some packages have arrived.. the whole by SMS. Live in a location like that has its price: the rent is around 10.000 euros/month.

The Muse, a truly futuristic condominium realized in Florida at the Sunny Isle Beach: a robotic parking that automatically parks your car, biometrical security systems that recognize the memorized digital footprints, kitchens equipped with glass panels that, just by pressing a button, become opaque and create a kind of separation walls from the living room: those are only a few of the modern innovations of the building. Even in this case, technology has an important cost that can reach 20 millions dollars for the attics.

However, in addition to this last innovations, it is also possible to find some other domotic systems, less “luxury”:

From the mirror to shoot perfect “selfies”, projected by the English design company Candy&Candy, which takes the pictures from different angles and allows you to compared them before sharing, to the Prima Cinema Station system that, with a 172 inches screen, represents a real cinema-room in your house. Again, talking about appliances, LG offers the new “Smart ThinQ” technology that, through a SMS, allows you to “ask” to the fridge if milk or eggs miss, as well as to connect different appliances between them to prepare a recipe in autonomy.

Finally, there are some domotics systems that, through the smartphones, activate a coordinated lights and sounds system, perfect to be installed in the bathroom to enjoy your bath with music.

The development of the new technologies and the domotics itself is ever-growing. That future, often represented and emphasized by the cinema, does not seems so far: with a remote control, or just with our voice, we will be able to regulate every aspect of our house.

Among the numerous and beautiful properties, Great Estate offers you some demotics one too. Between them, “La Quercia Illuminata” farmhouse, recently sold by the group (read here our article).

It is a charming farmhouse, located  three kilometres away from the historical centre of Città Della Pieve, Umbria. From the property, it is possible to enjoy a beautiful panoramic view, where the rooms stands out for their elegance, functionality and harmony, while the outside has been realized and organized to better use the splendid garden and the swimming pool around.

If this property has make you curious, visit our website where you will discover all the extraordinary real estate proposals of Great Estate!

Stay tuned with our Magazine if you want to discover the sale backstage of “La Quercia Illuminata” farmhouse.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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