Renovating your home: the individualization of the building licence

Renovating your home: the individualization of the building licence

Real Estate Insights Jan 16, 2020 No Comments

In order to realize a property renovation correctly, you need to follow some specific steps. Among these, the individualization of the building licence stands too: some information about the Italian C.I.L.A. (Comunicazione Inizio Lavori Asseverata – Certified notice of commencement of works) and S.C.I.A. (Segnalazione Certificata Inizio Attività – Certified notice of commencement of extraordinary maintenance-, renovation and structural modification works).

To properly face the renovation of a property, it is fundamental to address yourself to a specialist of the field – an architect, engineer or surveyor – so that works could be perfectly realized.

During the initial phase – the so-called feasibility phase – a deep analysis of your budget is needed. In this way, the specialist will be able to give you an indicative indication of the costs per sqm and you could so understand if your budget is adequate or not to the situation.

Then, you could start the analysis of the main elements of a renovation: the design phase and the consequent individualization of the building licence.

But… what does the individualization of the building licence mean?

In other words: for a specific intervention – as, for example, a property renovation – which is the building licence and/or authorization to request? Talking of “building renovation” – especially in the residential field – it is like say anything: in a house, there are so different interventions possible, from the painting to the reorganization of the internal spaces.

The majority of the building interventions done to renovate the buildings may be summarized into the administrative procedures of the C.I.L.A. or of the S.C.I.A.

Please note: you should consider that there are other interventions in the field of the building renovation that, for their characteristics, are included in more complex procedures.

Through both these titles, the property holder – the owner, tenant or whoever has a right on the property – communicates to the Municipality where the property is located the starting of a building activity and the identification data of the company that will take care of the works.

As already said, in these cases it is not just fundamental, you need to address yourself to a specialist of the field – architect, engineer or surveyor – who has to be duly enrolled at his/her own order of affiliation. Indeed, he/she will have to officially guarantee the compliance of the works to the national, regional and local laws.

Those fulfilments have to be arranged and registered before the effective start of the work, together with the construction papers created by the specialist – they change according to the single cases – and eventual authorizations needed to do the building interventions as, for example, the authorization released by the Italian Soprintendenza Archeologica Belle Arti e Paesaggio (landscape authorization) for the properties subjected to this restriction, or the seismic one.

The C.I.L.A., introduced with Law 73/2010 and being it a simple communication, does not need the Municipality approval and it has no deadlines (even if it has to be closed through the communication of the specialist to the Municipality itself).

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The S.C.I.A., instead, has been introduced by article 49, paragraph 4-bis, of the Italian D.L. no. 78 31/05/2010. In the building filed, this procedure is regulated by art. 22 of the Italian D.P.R. 308/2001 as completely modified by D.Lgs no. 222/2016, in force since December 11th 2016.

Regions and Local Authorities accepted this regulation: for example, in Umbria this intervention is regularized by articles 123 and 125 of the Regional Law no. 1 of January 21st 2015 (“Testo unico Governo del territorio e materie correlate”) while, in Tuscany, it is regulated by Title VI of the Regional Law no. 65 of November 10th 2014 (“Norme per il governo del territorio“).

This article has been drawn up thanks to the consultancy of Architect Federico Peparaio and Surveyor Alessandro Giulianelli, two service partners of the GE Group. Click here if you want to discover more about it.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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