Selling your beautiful property during the COVID-19 emergency? With GE that’s possible too!

Selling your beautiful property during the COVID-19 emergency? With GE that’s possible too!

Sold May 05, 2020 1 Comment
The last few months have been testing everybody, both from a professional and personal point of view. Despite this, Great Estate has never stopped and was also able to close some negotiations, among which the one of a beautiful farmhouse near Todi. A result that, in a so particular moment, assumes an even more important meaning.

Just some weeks ago and by closing the negotiation of “Antica Chiesa”, Great Estate has – once again – proved its strength, professionalism, and efficiency.

“Antica Chiesa” is part of a residential complex at ten kilometers from Todi, very well maintained, completely fenced and characterized by charming gardens, stone-lo-walls, walkways, an amazing swimming pool, a tennis court and a play area for the children. So, a place that, precisely for its features, cheers your soul up.

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è vendesi-rustico-casale-in-umbria-perugia-todi-14957089278107.jpg

Externally, this romantic stone farmhouse presents all the traditional character of this Umbrian home-typology while, internally, it reveals a very unique style which could be described as “rustic-chic”. The airy living room perfectly represents this style: characterized by its original on-sight stone walls and a central fireplace.

So… a stunning place where to live and that is able to guarantee you a great life-quality (discover the property here).

And we are proud to communicate you that this jewel has been sold to an international client right last April and by our Group.

This proves that, despite the current and very hard period that we all are going through, great goals may be always reached. And this thanks to the professionalism, commitment, and strength that have always made part of us.

The protagonists of this success were Filippo Cori – a GE real estate consultant who managed the buyers – and Stefano Calafà – Managing Director of the GE partner agency “Via Dei Colli Immobiliare” and the person who managed the sellers.

Their interviews will be online very soon. This experience is not just a sale for us, but a huge sign of optimism and hope that we want to share with you.

But this is not all. The one of “Antica Chiesa” is not the only negotiation closed by Great Estate during this emergency period. Indeed, last week we have also sold other two amazing properties to some international clients.

Regarding this, some clients have decided to purchase one of these two properties just after a video-phone call.

As we have already said, the reaching of extraordinary objectives like these confirms how professionalism and the use of cutting-edge IT tools may allow the overcoming of hard moments like the current one.

Keep reading our Magazine to discover our last and extraordinary sales, as well as the points of view of their protagonists.

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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