The sale of “La Loggia Pievese” according to Giacomo Buonavita!

The sale of “La Loggia Pievese” according to Giacomo Buonavita!

Press Office Apr 17, 2020 No Comments
Giacomo Buonavita, the real estate consultant who – for the sale of “La Loggia Pievese” – managed the vendors, is going to us his point of view: the importance of active listening and the helpfulness of the owner.

Welcome, Giacomo. Congratulations on this recent success of yours! First of all, would you like to tell us how did you meet the vendors of “La Loggia Pievese”?

I met the owner of the farmhouse about three years ago and though some common friends. She is an Italian woman, a true “Pievese DOC”!

Was the property in the market already?

Yes. About one year before joining the GE portfolio, the property was on the market with other agencies already.

Which kind of cooperation did you create with the client?

We immediately signed an exclusive assignment for sale. Then, we signed a free one supported by a specific marketing plan (read this article to discover more about it).

For the property acquisition, have you followed the usual GE Method?

Sure! For the acquisition and the consequent managing process of the property, I shared with the owner all the data regarding her property visibility, information requests, and visits.

I believe that the constant monitoring of the results achieved through our work allowed the owner to have a clear picture of the situation and to finally reach the objective sale as well.

Did you use The Best Price for the property estimate? Do you have any comment to do?

From the very first property estimate I did, I have always used the GE software The Best Price. The values have always been updated and periodically analyzed with the vendor herself. Thanks to those data, and for the whole period of the assignment for sale, the owner was able to make the right decisions in the best way possible.

Once again, I think that The Best Price produced some very precise economic projections of the property value. This has successively found confirmation on the high and constant number of the information requests and property visits received.

In your opinion, which are the strengths of the property?

Questa immagine ha l'attributo alt vuoto; il nome del file è vendesi-rustico-casale-in-umbria-perugia-città-della-pieve-14828494408539.jpg

I have always believed in this property because of its many qualities: “La Loggia Pievese” (click here to discover the house) boasts an amazing panorama, it is easy to be reached and offers very good privacy even if it is not too isolated. Moreover, the general quality of the farmhouse is excellent too: the building has been completely renovated less than 20 years ago. Finally, the size of the house and of its land: right spaces for an easy managing.

To conclude Giacomo, would you like to share your point of view about this negotiation with us?

First of all, I would like to thank the owner who, during the whole process we made together, has always proved me a huge active listening skill, being so very helpful and transparent. In my opinion, those qualities should be owned by every vendor who is willing to sell his/her home.

With my colleague Chiara Pompili, I had the pleasure to share another beautiful and satisfying professional experience that ended in the best way possible thanks to the use of an ever-efficient and -consolidated working methodology, something that still brings together our working lives in the Group.

Finally, I would like to extend my greetings to the new owners of the farmhouse: I wish them all the best!

Thank you, Giacomo, and… see you soon!

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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