The sale of “Il Nido Di Talamone”: the opinion of Elisa Biglia

After “La Perla Cetonese”, at the end of September, Great Estate signed the sale of a beautiful apartment in Talamone, near the Argentario coast, too. The opinion of Elisa Biglia, the vendors’ consultant.

Hello Elisa. Would you like to tell us something about the property you have recently sold?

Il Nido Di Talamone” (click here to discover the property) was part of a family inherence: the vendors were five Italian people. In the past, this apartment has been used as holiday home and, for a few years now already, it was in an almost neglected state. A few years ago, the vendors decided to renovate and sell it.

How did them contact our group and how did them start cooperating?

In a first moment, the vendors gave the assignment for sale of the apartment to other agencies. However, the first property asking price was very high, especially if compared to the last one. Indeed, they were not able to sell it. For this reason, in April 2019, the vendors, precisely to be able to sell the property, decided to start cooperating with our Group.

I would like to underling that the vendors knew our colleague David Parish, the person in charge for the G.E.P. partner agency in the Marche region, and our services already. Being very satisfied with them, they decided to cooperate with our office in Porto Santo Stefano.

They gave us an exclusive assignment for sale. Moreover, from the very first moment, they accepted to realize a Home Staging service in the apartment. An idea, this, that with the cooperation of my colleague, Ilaria Peparaio – the Eletta Home Staging CEO – I immediately suggested them. One of the owners knew this service already: indeed, he had experienced it for the sale of his home in Milan. For this reason, he was very enthusiastic about the fact that our agency uses this service as well.

What can you tell us about the property sale price?

For the creation of “Il Nido Di Talamone” estimate, I used our THE BEST PRICE software. In my opinion, this brought to a fair property asking price, shared with the owners as well.

Finally, Elisa, which were the elements that allowed you to reach the sale of this property?

A fair sale price and a perfect property presentation always represent, as in this case, the winning combination.

Talking about this apartment specifically, I think that two were the elements which amazed the buyers the most: the fact that this property was ready-to-move in and its incredible view on the sea.

Elisa Biglia

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