Two days in Milan to present “The Best Price”, the new Great Estate project

Two days in Milan to present “The Best Price”, the new Great Estate project

Press Office Sep 20, 2016 No Comments
“The Best Price” continues to achieve great success: the professionals of Great Estate Group have just turned back from a two-day trip to Milan where they presented the innovative project to the prominent personalities of national business.

After two days recently spent in fervent Milan, Stefano Petri, CEO of the Group, tells about his impressions and results obtained after the presentation of the new project The Best Price to the important “players” of Milan real estate market.

The Best Price is an extremely innovative project born from the fusion of prominent professionalism of university world, advanced technologies and real estate world; it is a location-intelligence system for business aimed to provide the Real Estate market with a program able to analyse in time and space the real estate values, obtaining the most objective and professional results, thus supporting decision-making process of the evaluation of the property through the objective scientific method.

The first important interlocutor with whom Stefano Petri, Paolo Buffa – Advisor in Real Estate sector, economist and entrepreneur – and of Simone Gadenz – NEOgeographer, entrepreneur, University professor for the Centre of Geotechnology and the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Siena – had a pleasant chance to meet was a responsible for one of the most important Italian asset management company working in the scientific circles of the Luigi Bocconi Commercial University and Milan Polytechnic.

This important player of the sector remained enthusiastic with The Best Price, affirming that up to that moment he hasn’t dealt with a project like this on the national territory.

Following this fundamental feedback, first of all with a career and time matured experience, the evening continued at the Bulgari Hotel, in a company of the Responsible for Marketing Development of Great Estate Partners, with international experience in the sector. Proud to be a part of such an excellent group like Great Estate, appreciated with an authentic interest to the originality of the project.

In the same evening, one more important personality of the national journalism, the co-ordinator of one of the most successful Italian magazines expressed his wish to be informed about the new developments of The Best Price, offering also the visibility of this brilliant project by means of his company.

So, it is a real success!

The next day, in Milan, the same group, promoting The Best Price, meets the Chief Executive Officer of one of the largest Real Estate mediating companies. Being a former director of another property evaluation company, to our great satisfaction, he saw in The Best Price a huge potential. We have already fixed the next meeting in October to discuss additional aspects of our innovative project before to implement it in the company managed by him.

Great Estate, proud with the The Best Price project, finished its two-day trip to Milan very satisfied with the enthusiasm of such important personalities of national business but also aware of the responsibility assumed with the conception, design, and now the realization of such a big aim like this.

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