88th International Alba White Truffle Fair: a little bit of history

88th International Alba White Truffle Fair: a little bit of history

Press Office Oct 16, 2018 No Comments

The international event dedicated to the white truffle comes back into Alba this year too: the 88thInternational Alba White Truffle Fair, from October 6thto November 25th2018.

The Truffle Fair, this year dedicated to the relationship between Earth and Moon, represents, together with Vinum, one of the most important event for the town of Alba. It is held during the autumn, between October and November, but, including it so many events, some of them are organized during the days before its starting too.

Even if the fair is about the truffle in all its forms, the fair is not just this. There are art exhibitions, theatre plays, concertos, markets, historical and folkloristic re-enactments, activities for the children and many others that, every year, catch the attention of thousands of tourists from all over the world.

The International Alba White Truffle Fair origindates back to the early ‘900 when, in occasion of the Harvesting Fair of 1928, Giacomo Morra (1889-1963) proposed a truffle exhibition. It was such a great success that it was decided to transform it into a permanent exhibition, creating a contest to reward its best tubers. The next year, the first “Trade fair for prizes of the famous Langhe Truffles” was organized. In a Gazzetta D’Albamagazine article of October 17th1929, it named this event Truffle Fair:

“In the Cortile della Maddalena square, in some specific desks, the first Truffle Exhibition and Fair will be held. Giving the delicacy of its perfume and the beauty of its samples, this incredibly tasty product owns a so respectable valorisation. This exhibition will result extremely interesting, both for the quantity and the quality of the precious tubers exhibited, as well as for the amount of people who will visit it.”

Since then, the enthusiasm for this event, which is held in autumn because this is the moment when the truffle frees its best perfume and taste, has increased, becoming a national event (1963). During the years, the Fair connected itself with the surrounding territoryby promoting all its main products and, in particular, the wine. At the food and wine aspect, history, culture, and local traditions– proposed today as historical and folkloristic re-enactments, exhibitions, etc. – are to be summed too. Finally, it has became, in 2007, the “International Alba White Truffle Fair”, one of the most important event of the town, a great touristic attraction and a Langhe and Montferratworld window.

If you have the opportunity to go to Piedmont (click here to read our article about this region) and attend to this extraordinary event, we suggest you a trip to the discovery of the charming countrysideof this area where the Great Estate Groupproposes for sale some amazing properties. Among them, we would like to remember you about two:

The “Castello Di San Giorgio Monferrato” castle, a really unique property created by some famous Italian architects and dating back to ‘900. During the time, it was the home of some important noble families, as the Paleologis, the Aleramicisand Gonzagas(discover this prestigious manor house by reading our article).

La Cassera” farmhouse, an amazing property located a few kilometres away from Aqui Terme. You can discover it by leafing through our Magazine (read our article).

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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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