ItaliaCasa.Nl & Great Estate: a new collaboration which aims to reach important successes

Magazine Great Estate
We met Coen Vreeke and Hariet Nijhuis, the international real estate agency ItaliaCasa.Nl creators, who have recently started a collaboration with the Great Estate Group. In June 2018, the first and important success: the sale of “Il Piccolo Mulino”, Cetona (click here to read the Stefano Petri’s article).
  • Welcome Coen and Hariet! First of all, tell us something about you .. where do you come from? Since how many years are you here in Italy? When did you start to work in the real estate sector? .. let’s know better each other!

H.: I am in Italy since a lifetime, something like 30 years, but I started to work in the real estate field just recently. Indeed, I come from the tourism and, above all, the events planning sector – like incentive travels and conferences – where I am still working. However, I wanted to try a new personal challenge: working in the beautiful areas of southern Tuscany, northern Latium and Umbria. Now that I entered into this world, I have to admit that I really like it and it perfectly combines with my way of being.

C.: I am a building engineer and I have been working in the building sector since 1989. I started as an entrepreneur for the residential building plans realization. Then, for more than 10 years, I worked as consultant for some leader building companies. Since 2000, I am working as project-manager in Netherlands, Belgium and Italy.

  • How did the ItaliaCasa.Nl project started? What is it about?

ItaliaCasa.Nl is an international real estate agency created in 2004 in Netherlands with a unique specialization: the sale of Italian properties to international clients. It connects the best of two worlds. Despite my love for Italy, my north-European origins are essential to better understand the international clients and their needs. ItaliaCasa.Nl offers to its clients the best assistance during the whole purchasing process. Our team, composed by 11 Dutch people, counts on a lawyer, an architect, some designers and engineers. Moreover, since a few years, our agency is officially registered at the Macerata chamber of trade.

  • Which are the main features of this project and which is its mission?

H. and C.: This is a great question! We want to help all those international clients who want to purchase in Italy to make their dreams become true in the best way possible, with transparency, professionalism and passion.

  • How did you know Great Estate?

H.: Since 15 years now, I am living in Palazzone, near San Casciano Dei Bagni: who, living in this area, does not know Great Estate?! In other circumstances, I had already met Stefano Petri. I admire his ability in the creation of a so important agency in a so lost, or, in any case, not so famous, corner of Tuscany. For this reason, when the moment of valuating a possible collaboration with Great Estate has come, the decision was quite easy, even if it is true that Suzanne Van Ravenstein was the person who made us sit on a table and talk about this project.

  • When did the collaboration with Great Estate start?

H.: Personally, talking about the Umbria region, I have been collaborating with Suzanne since two years now. During last months, we decided to increase our collaboration with the whole group. We expect great results from it!

  • Why did you choose Great Estate as your partner? 

H.: First of all, the great professionalism of Stefano and his team: it is very important for us to work with real professionals. Moreover, the real estate properties portfolio of the group, as well as the properties presentation, played a decisive role.

  • What do you think about the group and its services for the buyers, especially for the international ones?

H.: I believe that Great Estate is a really unique reality in Italy! Being always a step ahead and projected toward the future, I consider Stefano as a visionary: this is very important because changing with the market is not easy, but it is necessary to adapt ourselves to the clientele’s needs.

  • You met Stefano Petri, the CEO of the group. What can you tell us about him?

H.: LoL .. no comment! Of his many qualities, I think that the most impressive one is the way he has to manage. I saw him working together with his staff and I have to affirm that, towards everybody, he behaves with a great humanity. Even if Stefano is unquestionably “the boss”, a huge and mutual respect among all the GE team members exists.

  • To today, have the collaboration with Great Estate brought to some results?

H. and C.: Of course, we had immediately closed a great sale, a beautiful farmhouse near Cetona, “Il Piccolo Mulino” (click here to read the property tab). Thanks to the high professional level of Great Estate and Alice Ceccomoro, the collaboration between the two agencies was very easy and enjoyable. I want also to inform you that we are actually working at other sales .. good things are going on!

  • What do you think about the future of the new-born collaboration between ItaliaCasa.Nl and Great Estate? What do you expect from it?

Surely we expect an ever-increasing development of our collaboration. On our opinion, this growth will reach its perfection when GE will become the only partner for all our clients in the areas of southern Tuscany, northern Latium and Umbria with the hope, for the future, to be able to increase our collaboration in other parts of Italy too.


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