Architect Terziani: “Great Estate? Reliability, professionalism and accuracy”

Magazine Great Estate

Architect Laura Terziani, from the technical studio Rocchini-Terziani, partner of the Great Estate group, tells us about the sale of the beautiful farmhouse ‘La Quercia Illuminata.

Welcome Laura. Firs of all, may you tell us something about the creation of “LA QUERCIA ILLUMINATA” project? We know that you bought the property as a ruined house.

The farmhouse was purchased at the beginning of 2000. It was a ruined and uninhabited house since a long time. It did not have a prestigious architectonical connotation, but it offered great potentialities: a beautiful view, a huge 100-years-old oak and the possibility to be enlarged as the Umbria Region law points out. Taking advantage of those elements, the farmhouse has been completely renovated and enlarged between 2013 and 2015. For the exteriors, we used local recovered materials while, inside, some traditional ones applied with a modern take. The project was particularly focused on embracing tradition and both stylistic and technological innovation. Thanks to its position – near to some alternative usable energetic sources – it ended with the creation of a really performing farmhouse.

Some months ago, in order to put your property on the market, you decided to contact Great Estate. Why did you chose it?

I choose the Great Estate group because, in the past, we had already tested its professionalism and contacts-net. The agency and its “modus operandi”  is particularly performing in the property promotion sector and that made me certain of giving them the assignment of sale.

In addition to the Great Estate group, you decided to give the assignment of sale to other agencies too. In your opinion, which is the plusof choice like this?

Even if, at the beginning, giving the assignment of sale to many agencies seemed to be the right decision to take, I understood, with the time passing, how decisive and essential the choice of it is: the one which can offer you efficient and different services for the sellers contributing so to the positive and short sale conclusion.

During the first phase of the sale process, what do you think about the Great Estate consultation you received?

Some very interesting and qualitative elements which made the difference were the advertising and communication property patterns, as well as its promotion with a truly realistic house presentation, able to completely show and valorise it. Indeed, I am sure that, in addition to the great property image quality, the price aspect, fundamental for the sale itself, has to be added too. All this elements allowed the creation of a great visit interest, which surely helped to positively end the sale.

We know that, from the assignment of sale to the preliminary contract sign, 5 months only (February/July 2018) have passed. During them, E.organized 10 visits with some interested buyers, “finding” the “right” one who purchased the farmhouse at the price agreed by you and your trusted-agent: a very extraordinary result. What do you think about it?

I believe this result has been possible because of the many hard-working years crossed by the group itself. Great Estate was able to become a reference point for the clients, including the international ones, who identify a great reliability, professionalism and accuracy on it.

The consolidated Great Estate method is based on the “Three E rule”: Estimate, Exposure, Examination. In your specific case, do you think the Great Estate group has respected this rule?

Of course. When, with the manager, Stefano Petri, we told about the possibility of putting the property on the market for the first time, I have to admit that this rule was the aspect which, at the beginning, caught mainly my attention.

Your job is closely related to the real estate world. Having in mind all we said before and seen the result obtained, which are, in your opinion and compared to its competitors, the main characteristics that identifies Great Estate?

I think the fundamental difference is represented by the professional approach to the property presentation, as well as in the different services that support the relationship with the clients.

Your two trusted-agents were Stefano Petriand Roberto Biggera. What can you tell us about the consultation they offered to you?

I can affirm that, during the whole sale process, they have answered rapidly to any question, being always present and open to dialogue in order to constantly monitor (the third “E”) the sale strategy planning accuracy and the analysis of the results obtained.

Finally, what can you tell us about the “La Quercia Illuminata” (click here to discover this property) new owners?

Personally, I am very glad that they were the clients who purchased it. They are some very kind people, who fell in love with the farmhouse and perfectly understood its value. Even if they currently do not stay in Italy, they want to live the home, love our country and traditions. So, I believe that every one of us, with their coming, has acquired something good. I feel to be leaving my home in some very great hands!

Taking into account your positive experience, would you suggest Great Estate to all those clients who want to sell a prestigious farmhouse in Umbria or Tuscany to an international clientele?

The answer is implicit! I believe it even before the sale of my home itself. For this reason, I can only confirm the importance of their contribution and collaboration to reach the sale goal.

This property has been successfully sold.

To find out the final sale value or search for other similar properties, please contact us, we will be happy to help.


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