Great Estate and the sale of “Il Colle Del Picchio”: a nice Christmas present

Great Estate and the sale of “Il Colle Del Picchio”: a nice Christmas present

Sold Mar 14, 2019 No Comments
A few days before Christmas, the GE consultants Roberto Biggera and Giacomo Buonavita signed the sale of “Il Colle Del Picchio”, an interesting farmhouse to renovate located in the countryside between Cetona and Città Della Pieve.

Surely, “Il Colle Del Picchio” represents one of the last possibilities to realize your dream home.. maybe, this is what the buyers, some Brazilian clients living in London, had thought. Indeed, it is a ‘800 farmhouse to renovate, easily transformable into an amazing country home.

Roberto Biggera – the buyers’ consultant – and Giacomo Buonavita – the vendors’ one – have dealt with the entire negotiation.

As Giacomo told us

Il Colle Del Picchio” ex-owners decided to adjust the property requested price to the market values, so as the estimate done through our The Best Price system (read here our article about it) suggested. Moreover, talking about the property exposure, they chose one of the marketing plans proposed by the Group. 

Through a buyers’ letter of intent – which included also the demand for a property due-diligence edit – and after its acceptance by the vendors, the negotiation started in July, 2018. As a result of that, the sellers had to do some cadastral adjustments, after which the preliminary contract and the final deed was signed – Rome, December, 18 2018.

Roberto Biggera, the buyers’ consultant, told us

“Il Colle Del Picchio” buyers (click here to discover the property), some Brazilian clients living in London, were looking for a farmhouse – to renovate or already renovated – in the South of Tuscany. The area of Cetona, San Casciano Dei Bagni, Sarteano and Montepulciano was their preferred one. I proposed them something like 12-14 properties before the purchase. Because of the vendor’s refusal of the clients’ proposal, the negotiation for another renovated farmhouse they liked in Cetona did not have a positive result. For this reason, they decided to buy this farmhouse to renovate:

The property has a very particular architectonic style and, thanks to its dominant position – above a 350 m hill -, owns many potentialities. It can boasts a beautiful view on the surrounding country side. The property eight hectares of land offer the possibility to create a small farm business. Indeed, the new owners love the land and its product.


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Marianna Gaiotto

International Sales Consultant - Great Estate Network

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