Great Estate presents: THE BEST REDEMPTION

Magazine Great Estate
We are proud to introduce to you the new and innovative statistics tool of Great Estate.

Imagine to have the possibility of knowing the real value of your property and, once aware of how and where to better present and positioning it, knowing also all the results of this work live.

Would it be nice right?

We are sure about that.

Imagine to have a tool that daily provides you with important and eventual rooms of improvement on the positioning of your property, so to be able to create the right base for its sale.

Interesting, isn’t?


Imagine that all of this may be possible thanks to a well-structured and complex intelligence system with a very easy and intuitive front end.

It would be really good, don’t you?

Of course!

We have a great news for you!

This is now all possible with both the new Great Estate system and a little investment: you will be able to obtain this information that – being you an owner or just a professional of the field – will guarantee you to reach the best results possible.

Through this innovative IT system – and thanks to years of analysis, research, and professional experience – Great Estate was finally able to achieve this goal.

In the next three points, we will explain it to you:

Defying the real value of every property through the use of THE BEST PRICE.

This is the first objective: through a specific tool, every client and professional of Great Estate will be able to identify the best estimating panorama of every property.

Defying and offering the best marketing plan possible through the use of THE BEST POSITION.

The second objective is precisely this one: proving every client and professional of Great Estate with an innovative statistics tool with the aim of proposing specific marketing strategies for every situation. Indeed, through the continuous increase of the data and its analysis, the best responses offered by the market are daily offered to you. In this way, the objective of knowing in every moment “how” and “where” to propose a property is reached with the best performing statistic results.

The possibility of constantly monitor and intervene on the eventual rooms of improvement of every marketing plan is guaranteed by THE BEST REDEMPTION.

Once shared – completely or just in a part – both the value proposed by THE BEST PRICE and the marketing plan suggested by THE BEST POSITION, the possibility of seeing and analyse all the results achieved will make every client and professional acquire a stronger awareness of the same both in terms of visibility and market’s responses. As said, this will allow you to scientifically verify those results and the creation of the base needed for the sale. If this is not going on, they will allow you to do proper changes.

The intelligence behind this system is really complex and hard to explain, but if you want to learn more about it, you can just click here: there you will find the computer engineering degree thesis of Mrs. Simona Scorpioni, where a perfect analysis of this intelligence has been done. Please, remind that this thesis dates back to 2018: in the meantime, we have improved the whole system, even if the “body” has remained the same.

If you want to discover more about how to use this incredible opportunity we are offering you, please, contact the Great Estate Group: a professional of us will give you all the information you need. You will surely be amazed by the great work done and the important news that you will receive.

Present your prestigious property to international buyers.

Great Estate offers you a proven and effective method, innovative tools for the evaluation and analysis of your property, and the complete professionalism of consultants specialised in the prestigious property sector, with over 25 years of experience in international sales. Entrust your sale to safe hands and discover all the services dedicated to you.

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